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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
7-25-18 THROUGH THE MATRIX--Chapter 23--Pleiadians Sending Unconditional Love
Pleiadians Sending Unconditional Love
Dear Grounded Ones,
For this
transmission, we Pleiadians wish to speak with you about Unconditional
Love. Zara Lynn who is here with us, has asked us to speak with you.
Therefore, we will begin our conversation by sending you ALL the
Unconditional Love that you so rightly deserve.
It may take a while
for you to recognize the “feel” of unconditional love, as it is far too
rare in your third dimensional reality. But, close your eyes, open your
heart, and take a long, slow, deep, breath! Now, you are ready to better
understand Unconditional Love.
Unconditional Love
is the vibration that can create a vibration that is high enough to
allow your consciousness to resonate to the fifth dimension. So that you
will not be frightened, we are reminding all of you that our Ships will
be entering your perceptual fields more and more.
Also, we will be
talking with you all more often, so that you will have a sense of joy
and even jubilation when you see us in your skies. We see that more of
you are expanding your consciousness to the degree that you can see our
Ships. Of course, on the other hand, there are more people that are
frightened by the concept of our Ships as they are afraid that we will
hurt them.
These people are
usually those who have unhealed fear and sorrow, as well as those who
like taking advantage of the “power over others” of the third dimension.
These people are NOT happy about our appearance, as they do not want to
give up their power over others, or their greed and mistreatment of
dear planet Gaia.
However, change is
coming to Gaia’s Earth, and those who have enjoyed their “power over
others” will not be happy when humanity begins to remember, and use,
their own “power within.”
In fact, many of the “power within” leaders
are having a “face off” with the “power over” leaders.
I will now talk
about the initial phases of being on a fifth dimensional reality, ship
or planet. A fifth dimensional reality does not need a “place” and can
live within your consciousness. A fifth dimensional ship is a Galactic
Starship, which can be cloaked to the 3D world, or chose to briefly
reveal itself. However, we cloak again quickly so as not to frighten
humans who are not aware of us.
We separate
“reality,” “ship” and “planet,” because reality is the manner in which
different people perceive the same planet’s ascension process.
Starships are usually cloaked for the protection of those who would be
too frightened.
However, we often
show our higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency, as people who
perceive ships at that frequency have a higher state of consciousness.
We mostly stay away from any third dimensional exposure to Earth, as
there are too many people who would become frightened, or would try to
shoot us down.
Of course, they
could not “shoot us down,” but they may frighten others, or their
weapons could hit something else and harm others. Reality is specific
for each person's state of mind, and level of consciousness. Therefore,
some people have spent their lives finding ways to educate people that
Gaia is a living being and that humanity has been treading it VERY
On the other hand,
some people see the planet as a place where they can take what they want
to have, no matter what the cost to the planet, and do what they want
to do, no matter what cost there is to the planet.
These people are
often called the Illuminati, or the Dark Ones, or those who live via
“power over others” with no concern for others. Sometimes there are
leaders who do not care about the planet, or even the people who live on
it. These Dark Ones only care about themselves, their own money, and
their own power over others.
These humans will
NOT be able to even perceive the higher dimensions of reality, much less
enter into that vibrational world or starship. On the other hand, more
and more of the “awakened ones” who have expanded their consciousness
into the fourth and fifth dimensions, are answering Gaia’s SOS.
These advanced
beings are very dedicated to Gaia and to Her efforts to ascend Her
Planetary Self. Many of these “beings in human form” came to planet
Earth to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension. These fifth dimensional
Ones also come to Earth for the entire Solar System.
As many humans may
not know, any time a planet is able to ascend—raise its resonant
frequency to the fifth dimension—the entire Solar System benefits from
the flow of fifth dimensional light.
Therefore, we
Galactics applaud the valiant attempts of the “Awakened Ones” to
participate in the great honor of merging their higher, fourth and fifth
dimensional personal consciousness with Gaia’s planetary consciousness.
If you have found
this inter-dimensional message and have taken your “earth time” to read
it, you are likely among those who are remembering, and awakening to
your own higher dimensional expression of SELF.
We Pleiadians, as
well as our Arcturian and other Galactic friends, thank you for your
“higher dimensional service.” Please remember that Gaia is a “planetary
school” who has volunteered to teach humanity that “energy out is energy
Gaia also has on her curriculum coursesways
to assist Her “students” to release the third/fourth dimensional
illusion of “time and space.” Once that illusion is released, Gaia and
Her inhabitants will remember how to return to their innate fifth
dimensional Operating System of Here and NOW.
We, your Galactic Family, want to remind you that we are HERE within your NOW to assist you with this evolutionary shift.
Call us! We WILL answer! In Fact, we send you Unconditional Love,
as this is the NOW for Introspection and Integration as there are
Eight Retrogrades from March 9th 2018 to January 7th2019
Retrograde planets represent a NOW of introspection and integration
March 9 –July 10 in Scorpio--2018
Saturn April18 – September 6 in Capricorn--2018
April 22—October 1 in Capricorn
June 19-November 25 in Pisces
July 26-August 29 in LEO
July 27- August 27 in Capricorn
October 6 in Scorpio to November 16 In Libra
August 7 in Taurus to Janurary7 2019 in Aries
Message from the Arcturians
Time of introspection and integration
Dear Ascending Ones,
We, the Arcturians, remind you that you
have within your ability to ask your own Higher SELF, as well as we the
Arcturians, about the eight retrogrades within the year of 2018. We wish
to remind you all that the truth is out there, but you must be willing
to look for it in order to find it.
Personal changes expand your consciousness,
and as your consciousness expands, so does your Heart and Mind!
Unconditional Love from your Galactic Family in the fifth dimension and beyond!
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