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Awakening with Suzanne Lie
Monday, July 30, 2018
In the Company of Angels
In the Company of Angels
The Angels and the Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Dear ONE, meaning any ONE within the higher realms of reality with whom I
am meant to communicate, I am ready to receive your message.
I don’t
know why I started my communication in this manner, but it was what came
into my awareness to write, which is how I receive and document all my
In fact, I now hear that the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and several
members of the Angelic Kingdom sending their unified message within this
I think they want me to tune into them this morning.
We moved a few years ago to a completely different environment.
I adore
this environment, as it is in the country, but my life long friends and
family are many hours away.
Too long to easily drive, but too close to
fly, as getting to the airport would mean going as far as it would be to
visit our “old home.”
The house we live in here is amazing, and we are surrounded by nature
with the ocean nearby.
We have managed to live most of our married life
very close, and/or walking distance to the Pacific Ocean, which is a
great blessing.
Those of you who live close to the ocean, or a large body of water, know
what I am talking about.
In fact, if you live close to, or in a place,
where you are surrounded by Gaia’s beautiful nature, you know what I am
I don’t know why I am writing this, but I always “just let go” and allow
the message to come through me.
I cannot say that the Arcturians are
giving me this message, but I feel them with me.
Wonderfully, I also feel the Angels.
OH, what a dear blessing to feel
the Angels, or an Angel, close by.
How do we feel an Angel, or Angels,
close by? (I capitalized Angel and Angels in loving respect to them.)
The answer for me would be that I feel a peace and calm that is too
often difficult to contain in my daily life.
“Why did I use the word “contain?”
I ask myself.
Usually I find myself
connected to the Arcturians and/or the Pleiadians, but today, I feel the
Archangel Zadkiel, and his/her (as angels do not have gender in
the same manner as humans do) is sending me the most wonderful gift of
“Angelic LOVE.”
Angelic LOVE
is such a dear blessing, and as I feel it now I find myself
in a deep peace.
This “deep peace” is not an easy feeling to maintain,
and I am hearing/feeling dear Zadkiel reminding me that I have forgotten
to tune into the Angelic Kingdom enough.
What is “enough?”
I ask inside myself.
I am answered with the Violet
Love of Zadkiel saying: “Enough” is a human word which is bound by the
human need to have “a certain amount.”
We, your Family of Angels, speak to allof you via the
resonance of “Unconditional Love.”
Today, we have come into your
awareness to remind all who receive this message that love, especially
unconditional love, flows in a circle.
In other words, the unconditional love that you give out into your
reality WILL and DOES return to you, the sender.
Of course, all energy
fields that are sent out, return to the sender.
Some of these energy
fields remind you how your are really feeling.
On the other hand, some of these energy fields remind you that WE, your Higher Dimensional Family are
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, ALL energy that is sent out
returns to the sender. There is a component of the “energy out equals
energy back” is part of Gaia’s “primary operating system.
” Just as your
own brains, work via “energy out is energy back,” so does your physical
In fact, this energy out/energy back works much faster when your
consciousness is resonating to the fourth dimension and instant when
your consciousness resonates to the fifth dimensional reality of HERE
and NOW.
In fact, it is because more and more members of Gaia’s human
kingdom are beginning to realize this fact.
Those who are consciously aware of energy out equals energy back, have a
conscious awareness of how they are creating their own reality. Does
the knowing of this fact make it easier?
Not necessarily. However, the knowing that you are the creator of your
own reality via the energy that you take in, hold inside, and circulate
out into your reality.
While one’s consciousness only resonates to the third dimension, they
can easily fall into the feeling of “being a victim.”
In fact, many
people who do great damage to other persons, places or things, are
putting out the damage that they believe they have received.
These people have not been able—yet—to believe that they are the
creators of their own reality.
Yes, even if it
“was not your fault”
was somewhere in your consciousness and/or your aura.
However, if this energy has come back to you, that is actually a
wonderful opportunity for you to Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire,
Transmuting ALL shadow into Light, Light, Light!
The action of blazing the Violet Fire allows you the opportunity to
accept that this energy, experience, hardship, has come to you to remind
you that YOU can Blaze the Violet Fire to transmute that which is
lowering your consciousness or causing you hardships.
We will not say that you problem will instantly be resolved, as your
problems are actually gifts.
Your “problems” are telling you what is NOT
working in your life.
And, if you can remember to remember that
problems are your teachers, your karma and your teacher in your “Earth
Just as each person has their own “operating system,” in the same manner
that your modern equipment has an operating system, Gaia has an
operating system.
When you have chosen to take an incarnation on Gaia’s
Earth body, you have chosen to live within the
“system of operation”
Just as each person has their own “operating system”
which they have
developed from the sum/total of all the incarnations they have taken on
Earth, Gaia herself has an operating system.
Gaia’s operating system is
“energy that goes out into Her planet” will return to the receiver.
Gaia chose this operating system as She chose to be a “teaching planet.”
What Gaia teaches, to those who are willing to learn, is that YOU
create your life by what you put out and into your life.
In other words, if you choose to assist others and send our
Unconditional Love as much as possible within each NOW, you will receive
assistance for others and Unconditional Love from others.
These “others” do not need to be other humans.
Plants and animals could
be the returners of the love you send.
In fact, Gaia her planetary SELF
will also return your love.
Some may call you “lucky,” but that is only
because they have not YET realized that you are all creators of your own
If you put out love and kindness, you will receive love and kindness
from others.
On the other hand, if you put out fear and anger, your
receive fear and anger in your own reality.
We use the word “reality”
because, even though you all share the same planet, you live many, many
different forms of reality.
These “forms of reality” are directly connected to energy out is energy
back in your former incarnations.
Gaia is a “learning planet” in which
one can learn, if they are ready.
Some lifetimes can be so difficult
that you are only learning “how to survive.”
However, learning how to survive in your fragile third dimensional,
human form is a great gift that you have given to your own future
You may think that past incarnations are all forgotten,
but that is only forgotten in third dimensional consciousness.
As soon as you are able to expand your “sense of self” beyond the
particular earth vessel and earth situations of your current life, and
remember what you have learned in other incarnations, you have given
yourself access to myriad life lessons that you can incorporate into
your present incarnation.
In fact, those of you who have allowed your self to remember your former
self and/or your former lives on a Starship or you Homeworld, have a
great ability to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth
dimensional dimension of reality.
In fact, many humans alive within your NOW have chosen to take a 3D
earth vessel to assist Gaia during this immensely challenging time of
planetary ascension.
If you look at all the lives of all the Ascended
Masters, they did NOT have easy lives.
This was because they chose to follow their “reason for incarnation,”
rather follow the “easy path of personal comfort.”
They also remembered
that energy travels in circles.
Therefore, the energy that they put out
into their reality would eventually come back to the sender.
Therefore, those, such as the Ascended Masters, chose to stay in
communication with their Higher SELF, and/or their Higher Guidance, even
if it seemed too difficult.
In fact, living via the instructions of
your own Higher SELF is very challenging, and only a small minority of
humanity is able to even remember their Higher SELF, much less follow
their Higher SELF.
The third dimensional format of
“just being a human”
can be very
challenging and is much like traveling through life in a race car but
only using your first gear.
As you allow your consciousness to expand
into the fourth dimension, your innate creative thoughts, emotions and
actions guide you through your life.
You are also guided, if you chose to accept that gift, to expand your
consciousness to encompass the fifth dimension.
The fifth dimension has a
totally different operating system of living in the HERE of the NOW.
Fortunately, you have already learned via your third dimensional
consciousness how to operate effectively and lovingly in your third
dimensional world.
Your fourth dimensional consciousness, is the core of your most creative
human self, as well as the entrance to the pathway to your fifth
dimensional self who is no longer bound by third dimensional time and
In fact, your fifth dimensional self introduces you to your Galactic
SELVES who resonate to the higher dimensional realities that are
invisibly encircling and protecting Gaia.
If you wish to meet these higher dimensional versions of your Multidimensional SELF all you need do is...
Dear higher dimensional expressions of my Multidimensional SELF, I AM
ready to communicate with you on a regular basis.
I promise that I will
document our meetings in some manner and share it with others.
In this
manner, I will ALWAYS remember that your higher dimensional messages
Once you REALIZE and LIVE the knowing that YOU are a channel for the
higher dimensional, ascension energy fields, your life will change in
ways that you cannot imagine from the perspective of your third
dimensional self.
We thank, unconditionally love, and totally support or brave volunteers
to assist Gaia with Her process of PLANETARY ASCENSION.
We know that
those who choose this Path will experience higher guidance and new
experience beyond what you have ever experienced before.
Please know that this is the Clarion CALL
And embrace all of you who choose to join us in this call.
Blessings of Unconditional Love.
You Angelic Family,
The Arcturians and your Higher Dimensional Family
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