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Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe, the channeling that you are about to read comes to us from the Pleiades in which they urge us to change our thinking patterns and explain the reason why it is incredibly important to do so at this time.
Again, I understand how easy it is to be triggered into negative thinking. The key here is “triggered” because our response to one thing or another is based on various triggers that our subconscious sets up for itself to recognize how to respond to this or that stimuli. There are many ways of releasing these triggers, one of the ways that I talk about in Freedom Journey Karmic Release Course is a technique introduced to me by the Ascended Master Melchizedek. You can see this technique in action in the video below:
Step 1: The technique involves holding two fingers
(index & middle) on your forehead where the third eye is. Thinking
of the emotion that you are experiencing and stating “I understand that I
am experiencing _____ (put whatever emotion you are experiencing here),
for example “ I understand that I am experiencing anger. I fully
understand that this is the emotion that I am experiencing. I understand
and I acknowledge and accept that I am experiencing Anger. But… “
Step 2. As you acknowledge this emotion, you tap 3 times on your third eye with your fingers and then you move your hand slowly down to your heart chakra middle of the chest and as you hold your fingers on your heart chakra you say “But, although I appreciate having experienced the emotion of ___ (anger), and I do understand that I am experiencing this emotion due to whatever circumstances, I wish to replace this emotion with ___ (here you state whatever you want to replace this emotion with, for example “with peace” so that I can evaluate given circumstances from the place of Love” and then you tap 3 times on your heart chakra.

You should feel better immediately. Which would allow you to take a look at the situation that is causing you to feel this emotion from an impartial perspective where you would be able to evaluate what has happened and what has triggered you to feel this emotion, get to the root of the cause, understand the lesson, learn from it and finally let it go.
Again I talk a lot about various ways of letting go and releasing your karma in the Freedom Journey Karmic Release Course. For more information please look for a link below this video.
As always you can use flower essences and homeopathic remedies to help shift your vibration into positivity. I spoke a lot about flower essences in my recent posts and today I’d like to introduce you to a few homeopathic remedies to help you better deal with those anxious and depressive thoughts. Again, as I said many times, I highly recommend that you reach out to a qualified homeopath who can do a thorough evaluation of your state and prescribe remedies that are right for you.
I have personally used all of the remedies that I am about to mention. It is fascinating how quickly homeopathic remedies can bring you into balance. The negative thoughts or anxiety just suddenly seize, your mind clears and you’re brought back into balance where you can make adequate decisions.
In his book The People’s Repertory Dr. Luc De Schepper mentions the following remedies for anxiety:
Argentum Nitricum – Argentum nitricum is called the “What if” remedy: the person is full of anticipation anxiety. He is anxious about an upcoming test, an interview, an audition, always anticipating the worst. These people are always hurrying, driven, excitable, hyper and in a state of worry, which easily leads to diarrhea and palpitations, to the point that they cant stand going to public places. Thus this remedy is greatly indicated for stage fright, examination funk, and fear of public speaking. People who need Argentum nitricum typically have an intense craving for sweets, salt and chocolate. Silver nitrate is put in the eyes of every newborn (unfortunately not in homeopathic doses) to avoid the possibility of gonorrhea being transmitted from the mother. It is therefore also indicated in conjunctivitis with yellow/green discharge. Another indication is colic in babies. It is the number one remedy for this common destroyer of the new mother’s sleep!
Gelsemium – Gelsemium is characterized by the “D’s”: drowsy, dopey, dizzy, dumb, disoriented and dull. You can see right away why it is such a classic flu remedy. The person feels all of the above “as if a truck drove over you”. He has chills going up and down the spine, he feels so tired that he thinks he cannot even lift his finger to take something and she even has aching upon moving his eyes. Yet he can’t all asleep. Curiously enough, in spite of the fever, he has absolutely no thirst, and a slow pulse! Symptoms are made worse by motion, light, noise and stuffy rooms. There is trembling although the person is listless and has low stamina. The flue is accompanied by a headache. Gelsemium was the main remedy for the 1996 – 97 flu epidemic! Besides being good for flu, Gelsemium is a great remedy for “hearing bad news”: the person reacts to hearing bad news as if she is paralyzed, she can’t move, she just sits there, trembling. It is also effective for fright with trembling after earthquakes and in case of anticipation anxiety (like Argentum nitricum). However, unlike with Argentum nitricum (where the anxiety can start weeks in advance), with Gelsemium the anticipation anxiety starts just before the event takes place; for example, you have a speaking engagement, everything seems to be all right until you have to start speaking, then you are overcome with fear and trembling. Gelsemium is the #1 remedy for fear of the dentist. It is greatly indicated in headaches, especially ones preceded by an aura of blurred vision and improved when the person passes great amounts of urine. In the past, acute cases of polio were cured by Gelsemium.
Ignatia Amara – Even if homeopathy had only produced this remedy, it would be worth it! There are probably very few people on earth who will never need this remedy. Indeed it is indicated in acute grief events and emotional shocks, mainly related to relationships. Any broken heart situation should be remedies by Ignatia: the person has the “3 S” symptoms: sitting, sighting, and sobbing. She laments, “Why me, God, why is it happening to me?”. But don’t try to console her, or she will turn on you in a rage. Then this crying can turn into hysterical, uncontrollable laughing. People who need Ignatia have very changeable moods! We can call it the “homeopathic Valium” as it is also used in any event where you get upset: bad news, disappointment (especially in relationships with friends, family, lovers, children, etc.) apprehension and jealousy.
Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received:
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/
Step 2. As you acknowledge this emotion, you tap 3 times on your third eye with your fingers and then you move your hand slowly down to your heart chakra middle of the chest and as you hold your fingers on your heart chakra you say “But, although I appreciate having experienced the emotion of ___ (anger), and I do understand that I am experiencing this emotion due to whatever circumstances, I wish to replace this emotion with ___ (here you state whatever you want to replace this emotion with, for example “with peace” so that I can evaluate given circumstances from the place of Love” and then you tap 3 times on your heart chakra.

You should feel better immediately. Which would allow you to take a look at the situation that is causing you to feel this emotion from an impartial perspective where you would be able to evaluate what has happened and what has triggered you to feel this emotion, get to the root of the cause, understand the lesson, learn from it and finally let it go.
Again I talk a lot about various ways of letting go and releasing your karma in the Freedom Journey Karmic Release Course. For more information please look for a link below this video.
As always you can use flower essences and homeopathic remedies to help shift your vibration into positivity. I spoke a lot about flower essences in my recent posts and today I’d like to introduce you to a few homeopathic remedies to help you better deal with those anxious and depressive thoughts. Again, as I said many times, I highly recommend that you reach out to a qualified homeopath who can do a thorough evaluation of your state and prescribe remedies that are right for you.
I have personally used all of the remedies that I am about to mention. It is fascinating how quickly homeopathic remedies can bring you into balance. The negative thoughts or anxiety just suddenly seize, your mind clears and you’re brought back into balance where you can make adequate decisions.
In his book The People’s Repertory Dr. Luc De Schepper mentions the following remedies for anxiety:
Argentum Nitricum – Argentum nitricum is called the “What if” remedy: the person is full of anticipation anxiety. He is anxious about an upcoming test, an interview, an audition, always anticipating the worst. These people are always hurrying, driven, excitable, hyper and in a state of worry, which easily leads to diarrhea and palpitations, to the point that they cant stand going to public places. Thus this remedy is greatly indicated for stage fright, examination funk, and fear of public speaking. People who need Argentum nitricum typically have an intense craving for sweets, salt and chocolate. Silver nitrate is put in the eyes of every newborn (unfortunately not in homeopathic doses) to avoid the possibility of gonorrhea being transmitted from the mother. It is therefore also indicated in conjunctivitis with yellow/green discharge. Another indication is colic in babies. It is the number one remedy for this common destroyer of the new mother’s sleep!
Gelsemium – Gelsemium is characterized by the “D’s”: drowsy, dopey, dizzy, dumb, disoriented and dull. You can see right away why it is such a classic flu remedy. The person feels all of the above “as if a truck drove over you”. He has chills going up and down the spine, he feels so tired that he thinks he cannot even lift his finger to take something and she even has aching upon moving his eyes. Yet he can’t all asleep. Curiously enough, in spite of the fever, he has absolutely no thirst, and a slow pulse! Symptoms are made worse by motion, light, noise and stuffy rooms. There is trembling although the person is listless and has low stamina. The flue is accompanied by a headache. Gelsemium was the main remedy for the 1996 – 97 flu epidemic! Besides being good for flu, Gelsemium is a great remedy for “hearing bad news”: the person reacts to hearing bad news as if she is paralyzed, she can’t move, she just sits there, trembling. It is also effective for fright with trembling after earthquakes and in case of anticipation anxiety (like Argentum nitricum). However, unlike with Argentum nitricum (where the anxiety can start weeks in advance), with Gelsemium the anticipation anxiety starts just before the event takes place; for example, you have a speaking engagement, everything seems to be all right until you have to start speaking, then you are overcome with fear and trembling. Gelsemium is the #1 remedy for fear of the dentist. It is greatly indicated in headaches, especially ones preceded by an aura of blurred vision and improved when the person passes great amounts of urine. In the past, acute cases of polio were cured by Gelsemium.
Ignatia Amara – Even if homeopathy had only produced this remedy, it would be worth it! There are probably very few people on earth who will never need this remedy. Indeed it is indicated in acute grief events and emotional shocks, mainly related to relationships. Any broken heart situation should be remedies by Ignatia: the person has the “3 S” symptoms: sitting, sighting, and sobbing. She laments, “Why me, God, why is it happening to me?”. But don’t try to console her, or she will turn on you in a rage. Then this crying can turn into hysterical, uncontrollable laughing. People who need Ignatia have very changeable moods! We can call it the “homeopathic Valium” as it is also used in any event where you get upset: bad news, disappointment (especially in relationships with friends, family, lovers, children, etc.) apprehension and jealousy.
Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received:
Shining bright in the living color of light the instance of repetitive actions begins to suppress the evolution of secondary degree of eternal energy marvel of the beholder. For the energy signature of each dwelling therein shall then bring force and carry it through to the masses The signature of each stationed below the equator and above said point, brings the equivalence of inner connectedness and inner knowing which shall propel humanity into another zone of evolutionary cycle. Said evolutionary cycle is cognition of self, and cognitive understanding of BEing, and being part of all that is, being part of the ever unfolding changing, fluid energetic pattern of the creator. For the creation is itself the creator, and through said realizations much shall come to pass and much shall be understood.P.S. To help you let go and shed everything that no longer belongs in your life, I have put together a Freedom Journey Karmic Release Online Step by Step course. The reason that I have put this course together for you is to give you the tools not only to understand what karma is, not only to get yourself off the Karmic Wheel of Life, but to find the FREEDOM of thought. This is a life changing course, a course that should help you move away from the outdated belief systems of your parents, grandparents, society, etc., and help you to find your own inner voice, the voice of truth. This course will help you shed the layers that you have allowed yourself to be encapsulated into by your upbringing. It will help you to dive deep within and release all the triggers that are holding you back from aligning yourself with the life that you are meant to live! This course will help you unlock the mystery of your heart. Get to the bottom of your issues, and let it all go. https://annamerkaba.mykajabi.com/
For the understanding of the cosmic grandeur begins with the realization of self-limited beliefs. Said self-limiting beliefs originate within the base chakra of the beholder and spread through ones entire geomagnetic structure of being. Geomagnetic structure of being, for indeed all that you are is but a hologram, a geomagnetic representation of that which you wish to experience. Through said geomagnetic locations of your Being, of that which your call your vehicles of time and space, of that which you call your body, you are then able to experience the momentum of being in said reality of your choosing. And yet remain completely connected to the Divine, through the geomagnetic, and geomaterial structure of BEing.
For all is connected to the ONE and ONE is connected to the all. But going back to the Now moment in time, going back to that which humanity is undergoing, and not just humanity, but entire solar system and the galaxy in which said solar system exists, for as you understand all is interconnected and intertwined and all is changing rapidly as we speak.
For as you scientists have indeed discovered, the landscape not only your planet, but all the planets in your solar system are changing rapidly. And albeit the seeming delay of said changes, from our point of view ,said occurrence is unfolding in rapid succession, as it should. Thereby all is influenced, akin to what you call the domino effect in your world.Saint Germain Violet Flame Disc – Opens 7th Charka, Assists Crown Chakra & Third Eye, Transmutes Negative Energy, Assists in Raising Vibration, Opens the Door to Higher Realms, Amplifies Communication with your Guides https://natalyaankh.myshopify.com/products/saint-germain-violet-flame-disc
And so and thus, that actions of one is directly linked to the actions of another, and so forth and so on. And with the changing reality scape, and structure of your present earth, other planets in the spherical understanding of being are also going through such changes.
And so and thus, in the days and weeks and months to come you shall experience first hand the “domino effect” of your actions, and be able to witness firsthand that which you create with your day to day activities, authenticity, and thinking processes, said experiences shall be brought into your awareness for a reason, the reason being to showcase to you the reality of BEing, and for you to be as mindful and as coherent in your thinking processes for after having experienced that which you shall, you shall then be able to fully and truly take control of your thinking processes, interweaving a new reality into your everyday activities.
And from your actions, and non-actions, which you shall indeed see in a different light, you shall begin got truly weave a new experience not only for yourselves but for all who dwell on GAIA.
Such is to be the reality of the coming of times, such is to be the new norm if you will, where every one of you takes full, coherent and unprecedented responsibility not only for your actions, but also for your thoughts.
And so and hence, in order for all to continue as smoothly as it can it is imperative that you begin to work on your thinking processes and release, let go and learn to transform and transmute the thoughts that are no longer working for you now. Thought processes that are no longer part of the new heaven on earth that all of you are coherently building, and are partaking of.
And so, we ask you to heed our words with care and might, and approach said informational unfolding from the utmost deepest peace and harmonious outlook, for indeed that which we partake with you is indeed that which shall assist you in the coming of times.
That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you goodbye for now.
~Anna Merkaba – is a Channeler, Lightworker, Healer and Messenger of the KEYS to help YOU on your journey of awakening to your true self! For more channeled messages to help you on your journey of self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL–https://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

JOURNEY KARMIC RELEASE COURSE – The reason that I have put this course
together for you is to give you the tools not only to understand what
karma is, not only to get yourself off the Karmic Wheel of Life, but to
find the FREEDOM of thought. This is a life changing course, a course
that should help you move away from the outdated belief systems of your
parents, grandparents, society, etc., and help you to find your own
inner voice, the voice of truth. This course will help you shed the
layers that you have allowed yourself to be encapsulated into by your
upbringing. It will help you to dive deep within and release all the
triggers that are holding you back from aligning yourself with the life
that you are meant to live! This course will help you unlock the mystery
of your heart. Get to the bottom of your issues, and let it all go. https://annamerkaba.mykajabi.com/
P.S. To help you on your journey I have written a book. It is now
available for all of you in digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth
Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as:
Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to
earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate
with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release
everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully
connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and
institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and
make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link
back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you
to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the
“HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit the
following page: https://sacredascensionmerkaba.com/books/
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for informational purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.
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