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Video 160
Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty – July, 2019.
Video 160
Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty – July, 2019.
- Hi friends!
We had a sowing period on several planets in terraforming at nearby solar systems and our fleet participated in various adaptations and interactions with societies beginning their first relationship with this regional CG.
We had little rest, which prevented me from having moments of contact with these my friends.
Sorry again for this delay because I’m just one member.
We had a sowing period on several planets in terraforming at nearby solar systems and our fleet participated in various adaptations and interactions with societies beginning their first relationship with this regional CG.
We had little rest, which prevented me from having moments of contact with these my friends.
Sorry again for this delay because I’m just one member.
Q - Dear Mythi, we who work at sea, fishing, noticed changes over the years. Could you please explain why fish
is said to spawn at 4° C when the bottom temperature is around 9° many places in the North Sea, and will this
stabilize? Why do we believe that we catch fewer fish around the full moon? what happens to fish like Saithe and
Cod in this period, do they migrate to deeper depths and why? Please help us clarify the behavior of fish and
what to expect in the future. Cheers!
is said to spawn at 4° C when the bottom temperature is around 9° many places in the North Sea, and will this
stabilize? Why do we believe that we catch fewer fish around the full moon? what happens to fish like Saithe and
Cod in this period, do they migrate to deeper depths and why? Please help us clarify the behavior of fish and
what to expect in the future. Cheers!
- See Andre, these cold-water fish always try to spawn in cooler waters to keep their shoal in the cycles of currents
where they have generated by generations, where at lower temperatures there are fewer predators circulating through them, because predators will seek shoals in warmer waters. In the case of the moonlight, shoals of various types of fish have the behavior of hiding in deeper waters or shaded areas caused by shallow of underwater shores or islands because excessive light exposes the shoal too much, making it very much targeted easier for predators that invariably follow these shoals. In the future, changing temperatures in the ocean currents due to the repositioning of the geographic poles, you will have to adapt to new fishing regions to get results.
where they have generated by generations, where at lower temperatures there are fewer predators circulating through them, because predators will seek shoals in warmer waters. In the case of the moonlight, shoals of various types of fish have the behavior of hiding in deeper waters or shaded areas caused by shallow of underwater shores or islands because excessive light exposes the shoal too much, making it very much targeted easier for predators that invariably follow these shoals. In the future, changing temperatures in the ocean currents due to the repositioning of the geographic poles, you will have to adapt to new fishing regions to get results.
Q - Dear Mythi, earliest archaeological evidence of Shivalinga worship comes from the remains of the Harappa
culture. Do you have any information in Galactic Community database for what the meaning is of this structure?
Thank You.
foto 1

- Nikhil, these pieces were drinkers. The mentors of the time provided, as a gift, a programmed quantum mass
with nanocomponents that draw water from the air in proportion to the thickness of the layer applied to the
central pillar. This special mass was spread in good quantity by some regions and many had access to it. Over the
years, most of the pieces have been scraped to try to reuse the dough in other parts, but once applied its effect will
fade if a reuse is attempted.
Q - Mythi, do you have any information regarding the death of tourists in the Northern Urals between the
mountain KholatSyakhl (1096,7 m) and a nameless height of 905. There are many rumors and versions about this
tragedy, but no one came together in one. What actually happened on that terrible day on February 2, 1959 when
a group of 9 tourists, headed by Igor Dyatlov, died under the circumstances that were not fully clarified?
foto 2
German, this incident was caused by unclassified military tests of devices to generate energy fields to paralyze
the central nervous system and vision effects. One of these artifacts exploded near the camp at night, causing
everyone to panic and run away without understanding what was happening. The violent displacement of air
allied to the field of microwaves generated by the explosion caused the physical injuries and the total
disorientation of the whole group. So those who did not fall into ravines became disoriented and could not return
to camp in the dark night, dying quickly of hypothermia.
Q - You mentioned many times Atlantis, Brasilis & Saxas towns sank and are still submerged, but what of the
Rachat structure, eye of the Sahara? Is it a lost city of Atlantis that Plato described in his dialogues? Share with us
details please! https://youtu.be/oDoM4BmoDQM
- The Atlantis and Brasilis civilizations were very large, and spread out over several regions. Some Saxas cities are
buried in the continental areas and some buildings have already been explored by your archaeologists. The cradle
of Atlantis (North City) and all its technological and historical centers was submerged there
foto 3
the central nervous system and vision effects. One of these artifacts exploded near the camp at night, causing
everyone to panic and run away without understanding what was happening. The violent displacement of air
allied to the field of microwaves generated by the explosion caused the physical injuries and the total
disorientation of the whole group. So those who did not fall into ravines became disoriented and could not return
to camp in the dark night, dying quickly of hypothermia.
Q - You mentioned many times Atlantis, Brasilis & Saxas towns sank and are still submerged, but what of the
Rachat structure, eye of the Sahara? Is it a lost city of Atlantis that Plato described in his dialogues? Share with us
details please! https://youtu.be/oDoM4BmoDQM
- The Atlantis and Brasilis civilizations were very large, and spread out over several regions. Some Saxas cities are
buried in the continental areas and some buildings have already been explored by your archaeologists. The cradle
of Atlantis (North City) and all its technological and historical centers was submerged there
foto 3
- What you mention as "Eye of the Sahara" was a major cosmopolitan trading city up to 12,000 years ago,
maintaining Atlantis interests, among others such as Saxas, Brasilis, and Sumerians, and maintained aircraft
routes that interconnected the various cities around the planet, maintaining relations commercial with Mayans
and Incas, as well as Aztecs through another city maintained in the Bermuda region in its Central America.
Meetings with the leaders of the Americas civilizations were held at the place called by you as Easter Island.
foto 4
Q - Mythi, you recently spoke of no longer being a "foreign volunteer unit" which gives you the chance to speak a
little more openly. Could you please elaborate on what this means moving forward as we continue to ask you
- Andrew, questions can be asked more freely with certainty, and I will answer as much as I can, of course based
on some minimal standards imposed by CG.
Q - Mythi, please tell us about a certain territory called Tartary, which was located between the Caspian Sea to the
Pacific Ocean and to the borders of China and India. There is a version that this empire was very developed and
was destroyed by some powerful weapon around the XVII-XVIII centuries? Thank you very much!
foto 5
- Mamed, a race that maintains bases in the region of the Tibetan plateau, that guided diverse colonial Asian
cultures in the planet for thousands of years denominated by some like "Kipchs" including by Mongols and Tatars,
this race installed hundreds of units in ancient times, equipment of defense against reptilian attacks, such which
are being withdrawn in several regions by the Arcturians today. Many leaders have attempted to reuse such
unclogged equipment for use as a weapon, and some units have generated random energy fields that have totally
eliminated some civilizations, including all the administrative elite of the empire, in whose center were its
scientific and military centers.
Q - Mythi, we have legends here of King Arthur and Merlin the magician. Arthur is said to be a British king who
defeated the Saxon (Saxas?) army in the 5th century. Did Arthur and Merlin really exist historically, or are these
folklore brought from other worlds, or is there anything you can tell us about them?
foto 6
- Ro, Saxons and Saxas are unrelated things. These are folklore and stories that were created by the minstrels of
the time to ennoble and ameliorate the atrocities committed by the kings to dominate and plunder other peoples
in the name of their own grandeur. The stories, always created by the victors, are always the ones that end up
giving the people a false image, legends and false truths, with the purpose of creating false idols to be revered by
his people.
Q - Mythi, according to coordinates (43°04'27.58" 92°48'48.56") there is an unusual base in China. Answer please
for what and by whom it was used? What are the glowing symbols in the form of the number 8 and how it was
foto 7a
foto 7b
- Pavel Petrov, you see, I cannot mention much about these places because there are specific developments in
technologies that China has developed with its extraterrestrial partners in an almost one-sided way. They want to
provide all that these allies need to occupy cities and facilities built specifically to infrastructure that relationship
they want in the near future. The "8" marks are actually landing gear tags of various models of small cargo ships
that parked on the site with seedlings before they finished the parking lanes.
Q - Mythi, how can we defend against 5G technology and what danger (if it is any) this technology carry?
- Panche, this 5G technology was developed by reengineering old transmitters coupled with material recovered
from accidents with some old alien spacecraft. Finally they have come up with a type of transmission that can still
be picked up by our communication sensors as of today. The equipment developed by you, because they are very
low power transceivers, will not represent an imminent danger to your race or the environment, but if this power
is enlarged in an irresponsible way, it could cause damage in the medium term, yes. Because of the equipment
being installed, it appears that there will be no dangerous impact, but control over all system users will be total, limiting privacy and individualism, as your appliances, cars and other devices will be designed to provide data to
this new system in real time.
Q - Mythi, be kind please and tell us about the anomalous zone which is located in Russia, in the Perm region in
the village of Molebka. Tell us exactly how this strange anomalous zone appeared there and why aliens show
great interest in it? Locals say that they witnessed the landing of flying saucers on this zone, as well as some had
contact with these aliens.What are our older brothers doing in that area? Geographical coordinates: Latitude
57°14'17", Longitude 57°564'10" https://youtu.be/Tp0J7AlnOwg
- German, this is a region where a mixed base of operations has been operating for many centuries and is still
operational. It deals mainly with environmental and fauna balance of flora and fauna.
foto 8
technologies that China has developed with its extraterrestrial partners in an almost one-sided way. They want to
provide all that these allies need to occupy cities and facilities built specifically to infrastructure that relationship
they want in the near future. The "8" marks are actually landing gear tags of various models of small cargo ships
that parked on the site with seedlings before they finished the parking lanes.
Q - Mythi, how can we defend against 5G technology and what danger (if it is any) this technology carry?
- Panche, this 5G technology was developed by reengineering old transmitters coupled with material recovered
from accidents with some old alien spacecraft. Finally they have come up with a type of transmission that can still
be picked up by our communication sensors as of today. The equipment developed by you, because they are very
low power transceivers, will not represent an imminent danger to your race or the environment, but if this power
is enlarged in an irresponsible way, it could cause damage in the medium term, yes. Because of the equipment
being installed, it appears that there will be no dangerous impact, but control over all system users will be total, limiting privacy and individualism, as your appliances, cars and other devices will be designed to provide data to
this new system in real time.
Q - Mythi, be kind please and tell us about the anomalous zone which is located in Russia, in the Perm region in
the village of Molebka. Tell us exactly how this strange anomalous zone appeared there and why aliens show
great interest in it? Locals say that they witnessed the landing of flying saucers on this zone, as well as some had
contact with these aliens.What are our older brothers doing in that area? Geographical coordinates: Latitude
57°14'17", Longitude 57°564'10" https://youtu.be/Tp0J7AlnOwg
- German, this is a region where a mixed base of operations has been operating for many centuries and is still
operational. It deals mainly with environmental and fauna balance of flora and fauna.
foto 8
Q - Mythi, it seems we are seeing the beginning of geo-political change, and the elites are to be tried and judged
for the atrocities placed on the people. In Video 114, you stated, “Russians and Middle East will ‘take care’ of the
West, and China will ‘take care’ of Asia and Europe.” Has this changed since the ultimate “Trump” card is now
trying to bring peace to all those who were once enemies in a positive light to unite all nations once and for all?
- Tami, as you may note, the nations today are only barking at each other like dogs that bark to scare, but there
have been no more actual assaults. The leaders of the elite know that they are facing much greater problems than
their regional counterparts, they are aware that much will be done when direct contacts begin, even though the
contacts will not all be centralized politically, but directly with the community leaders. This worries them as they
will inevitably lose control over the situation, and that means the gradual loss of power of control over the
masses. You have an old saying of yourselves that says, "If you cannot face them, join them," and this is what your
elites are desperately trying to do by putting their minions as regional leaders, as if this tactic would not be
detected by the agents of CG. You will be going through interesting moments from the political point of view in
this new period.
Q - Mythi , In video 158 from last November you told us that it looks like there is a good chance that open contact
with Galactic Community will begin this year. By how things developed in the 6 months that passed , do you still
believe it could happen in this time frame, and what factors need to be fulfilled for this?? Thank you.
- Yuval, as I mentioned in the previous answer, for good observers things are already happening. An effective
generalized contact will be decided by the CG according to the events or obstacles that its elites try to create to postpone the events to the maximum. When dealing with a class of psychopath kind of elite, it is not easy to
predict all the acts of exception that can be created by them.
Q – Mythi, about Saturn's moon – TITAN, I would like some information on it, is there for example a life in any
manifestation. 2. The role of satellites, why do we? Why is there only one on earth? Can we have another moon?
Why are there so many of them on Saturn?
- Nikolay Nikishin, the satellite of Saturn called by you as Titan, is a large reservoir of icy gases, including many of
them in a liquid state beneath the surface. There are thousands of types of bacteria, enzymes and other organisms
that can coexist and metabolise with these gases, but it is not a place compatible with superior animal life.
The Earth has only one natural satellite that is almost a binary, the rest are small rocks that do not influence the
day to day of the planet. The Earth may even have more moons, as long as it captures them conveniently in an
eventual passage near its gravitational force, but this is very unlikely to happen.
- Large gaseous planets in mass and gravitational force like Saturn and Jupiter have many moon by having a much
stronger capture power, and will still continue to capture other moons for sure. Every time your scientists
announce that they have "identified" a new moon on planets in your solar system, you can be sure that they are
new, newly captured moons.
Q - Dear Mythi, you mentioned a while back that the last Mars lander was delivered and placed on Mars helped by
the reptilians. In the last video you said that China's lander had "help". Can you tell us ( without violating any
guidelines ) what race is helping this government with their space explorations.
- Michael Norton, because they were harmless equipment, and placed only to gather information, in the case of
the Moon the Camelopardalis put it in the correct position to move. In the case of Mars, everything is staged
because the human scientists themselves living in the colony there play the role of creating illusions to justify the
money spent on these facade operations.
Q - Mythi, can you tell about these objects what happened and how long ago? in antarctica 75° 0’46.98” S 0°
4’52.71” E (column) and on the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 54° 39’43” S 36° 11’42” W (object) it
looks like he took down the top.
foto 9
foto 9b
- Andrei Nevs, This photo shows shows what appears to be an ocean bottom prospecting small rig that for some
reason was abandoned at the topmost location for many hundreds of years, and eventually slipped due to the weakening of the ice sheet that occurred throughout this region. This type of equipment on a large scale is what
leaves marks like these that CB added below as a sample, marks that can be observed by almost the whole bottom
of the oceans of the planet.
foto 10a
foto 10b
- This second photo shows a still operational research base on the ice, the entrance at the top of the photo is the
entrance to that base, which is all protected by a force field where only authorized personnel can circulate. Your
governments know this, but nothing can be done about it.
Q - Some good intended scientists are increasingly proposing the cyclical nature of Grand solar minimum and Solar
Micronova. Will the upcoming solar cycles be progressively weaker and how cyclical is a Solar Micronova/Super
flare? Is it right to assume that such natural events will no longer be needed in the new reality of our planet?
- Naveen, see, the Krulians have adjusted the new frequency of your Sun's beating, and their behavior in this new
phase tends to be milder, so the data used by your scientists based on past events are in many ways outdated with
respect to behaviors future of your Sun. Therefore, these forecasts cannot be taken into account.
Q - Mythi, are you or, possibly, your colleagues aware of any significant historical artifacts and/or indicators,
hidden anywhere in what we refer to as the Grand Canyon, which would lead to a substantial change in
understanding of our own origins and history on this planet?
- Mike, there existed a large humanoid civilization in that region thousands of years ago, but they left the region
after a few generations and migrated north where the abundance of resources was greater. You see, like many
other civilizations that passed through this planet for development, many of them did not have an impact on the
history of the humanoids that today dominate the cultures in the planet, because they were races that did not mix
neither ethnically nor culturally. In fact these trinkets among thousands of others only serve as evidence to
corroborate the passage of many other cultures that have used this planet as a place of development.
Q - Mythi, a deadly heat wave called a Rex Block is hitting Europe and may become the new normal. Are these
extreme temperatures resulting from the pole shift, man made, or something else?
foto 11
- This second photo shows a still operational research base on the ice, the entrance at the top of the photo is the
entrance to that base, which is all protected by a force field where only authorized personnel can circulate. Your
governments know this, but nothing can be done about it.
Q - Some good intended scientists are increasingly proposing the cyclical nature of Grand solar minimum and Solar
Micronova. Will the upcoming solar cycles be progressively weaker and how cyclical is a Solar Micronova/Super
flare? Is it right to assume that such natural events will no longer be needed in the new reality of our planet?
- Naveen, see, the Krulians have adjusted the new frequency of your Sun's beating, and their behavior in this new
phase tends to be milder, so the data used by your scientists based on past events are in many ways outdated with
respect to behaviors future of your Sun. Therefore, these forecasts cannot be taken into account.
Q - Mythi, are you or, possibly, your colleagues aware of any significant historical artifacts and/or indicators,
hidden anywhere in what we refer to as the Grand Canyon, which would lead to a substantial change in
understanding of our own origins and history on this planet?
- Mike, there existed a large humanoid civilization in that region thousands of years ago, but they left the region
after a few generations and migrated north where the abundance of resources was greater. You see, like many
other civilizations that passed through this planet for development, many of them did not have an impact on the
history of the humanoids that today dominate the cultures in the planet, because they were races that did not mix
neither ethnically nor culturally. In fact these trinkets among thousands of others only serve as evidence to
corroborate the passage of many other cultures that have used this planet as a place of development.
Q - Mythi, a deadly heat wave called a Rex Block is hitting Europe and may become the new normal. Are these
extreme temperatures resulting from the pole shift, man made, or something else?
foto 11
- Ro, as I once mentioned the Moon's orbit has been repositioned by the movement of the planet's nucleus that
maintains the gravitational tunnels. This change modifies the magnetic field which in turn will gradually
repositioning the geographic poles. The first changes are felt in the climate, sea currents and atmosphere, and
these changes may be dramatic in some regions. As I have already mentioned, communities will have to readapt in
their regions, since agricultural production will have to be replaced by others more compatible with the new
climate. Q - Mythi, can you tell us about this ship movements around and from the sun please.
foto 12
- Karen, the movement is great in the system because with the orbital rearrangement that is being executed
adding to the terraforming of Venus, many races are currently circulating to support these operations.
Random questions:
Q - Mythi if we are to participate we have to be informed, but we are in the dark. How could our time be used
more efficiently to bring about CG plans for Earth? We want to actively add value to this operation.
- The best you can have now is to keep your balance and have the patience to wait. The CG releasing the direct
contacts, everything could be explained and agreed with the volunteers. Many possibilities for cooperation may
occur regionally.
Q - Mythi, our scientists are baffled by Inductance of the magnetic fields. Can you say anything about this? Can
this interactions negatively affect human body or mind?
- The inductance of a magnetic field generated on other conductors is very old knowledge, I do not know what
they might not understand at that time of events, since everything that relates in matter works with magnetism
and inductance. This relativity does not cause any harm to living beings. What they still do not understand is that
there are other types of magnetism that allow you to interact between nonmetallic objects ... there you will be
finding one of the basic principles of the quantum interaction of which your scientists know practically nothing at
the moment.
Q - Mythi, you have said 90% of all the work is happening behind the scenes in transitioning elite domination. Are
any of the recent arrests of elite pawns an indication of progress? - Much influence of the Pleiadians is being active behind the scenes. You can be sure that this progress is the result
of the interaction of their agents infiltrating your government departments.
Q – Mythi, about Venus changes - (the last photos - if they are real - shows the Venus surface blue as it never was!
- As I said, Venus is being terraformed in record time. With the process of direct insertion of infrastructure for
fauna and flora, soon the planet will look alive and maintain its biological balance between forests and oceans.
Q – About Taus, if the orbit is already fixed and where can it be found? Approx distance, quadrant or constellation
for the reference.
- The orbit of Taus has not yet been finalized. Possibly it will be positioned between Saturn and Jupiter, but who
will define it will be the group of scientists of Taus with the consent of the scientists of the CG.
Q - In the past few weeks Individuals all over the world are reportedly seeing mysterious lights flashing on the
moon too. Could be thruster working or something else?
- Certainly thrusters are being used as buffers of the orbital changes of the Moon. As I have already warned, all
this movement will be easily observable by your amateur astronomers.
- I am happy to return from these missions and intend to be at our Mars base for a longer period. I hope all of you,
my friends, are well.
Video 161
Answers of an Alien from Andromeda – video hundred and sixty one – October, 2019.
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