Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Energy Fields of Your Higher SELF

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Saturday, October 19, 2019


Energy Fields 
of Your 
Higher SELF


Your Galactic Family 
Suzanne Lie

The Journey of remembering your Higher Dimensional SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “inner Pleiadian / Galactic SELF" reminds you that the Portals to the Fifth Dimension of reality are increasingly opening.

These portals serve to connect “Earth/Gaia” with Her own fifth dimensional Planetary SELF. However, only those who can calibrate their consciousness to the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of resonance will be able to have any awareness of this higher frequency of reality.

The challenge for humanity is to remember that “The Portals to the Fifth Dimension” are starting to open NOW in a manner that is different then it ever was before. Therefore, those whose consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and beginning fifth dimensional frequencies of reality are perceiving a “feeling!”

What is this “feeling” or is it a “knowing,” or even a “remembering?” There is still NO shape, as the fifth dimensional energy fields can usually only be perceived by ones Highest States of Consciousness, such as deep meditation or prayer.

This experience of perceiving that which you usually cannot see or hear during your daily physical self, is slowly, or quickly, recurring because you have consciously, or unconsciously, focused on expanding the energy fields of your Heart, your Mind and what is often called, your “Heart/Mind.”

Your Heart/Mind, which is guided by the thoughts and emotions that are filling, and sometimes expanding, within your personal awareness and personal Aura. The expansion of your Hearth, your Mind, and your energy field resonates beyond your human Energy Field.

In fact, this energy field is the initiation for your process of remembering your innate fifth-dimensional frequency of Light/SELF. When your Heart and Mind merges into the NOW of the ONE, you will be able to more deeply understand the higher dimensional energy fields that you are somehow feeling.

In fact, some times, you may only feel an “unique” energy field that you cannot quite perceive with your physical self. However, many of you also learning that if you deeply relax and totally focus your attention on your own Heart and Mind—working as ONE—you will eventually experience this new type of energy that you may, or may not, have experienced.

However, this Energy Field is NOT new. This energy field resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, you usually have been unaware of this sensation—feeling—knowing—even remembrance. These moments of remembering “something” may feel to be far away, but they may simultaneously feel deep like they are deep within your heart Chakra.

We the, Arcturians, and many other members of your Galactic Family, are assisting you to allow yourself to have the experience of tuning into your own higher dimensional state of consciousness.

We wish to now remind you that this “Higher Dimensional” State of Consciousness is coming into your awareness within this this NOW because you, our grounded ones on Earth, can assist the other humans to awaken to their memory of their higher dimensional SELF.

This “Awakening to Gaia’s Higher Consciousness is occurring because it is the NOW for humanity to remember their own higher dimensional experiences, which often runs parallel with the experiences they are simultaneously occurring with many other awakening humans. In fact, these energy fields seem to expand your consciousness.

Sometimes, you can even feel these energy fields enough for your to “feel” and or “see” that which you feel that you are KNOWING. You are having this experience because your consciousness I expanding to embrace higher and higher frequencies of reality.

Your are now more easily able to expand your consciousness within this NOW is because is because your Multidimensional SELF (the YOU who resonates to many frequencies of reality), has opened the inner portals to your own higher frequencies of reality.

This Portal was actually opened by your own Higher SELF who will assist you to FIND and FOLLOW the Path that you will hear as an inner call, as well as the deep knowing that you always had, but FORGOT.

On the other hand, you can not perceive any of these fifth dimensional perceptions via your third dimensional brain. Fortunately, more and more grounded humans, as well as Gaia’s many other life forms, are beginning to be, or have always been, in alignment with Gaia’s energy fields.

When a human is in alignment with Gaia’s energy fields, they can send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire of Transmutation into Gaia’s Core Crystals. Unconditional Love is love that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. “Violet Fire” and/or “Violet Light” resonates to the highest frequencies of fifth dimension, and beyond.

As more and more humans merge with their own Higher SELF, their individual fifth dimensional consciousness will greatly assist the healing and transmutation of Gaia. Yes, Gaia wishes to transmute into Her fifth dimensional Planetary SELF, just as humans wish to transmute into their fifth dimensional SELF.

It is best if the humans also merge with dear Mother Gaia. Most of Gaia’s life forms are already connected to Gaia via Her Water, Earth, Air, Spirit or Fire/sunlight. When humans were “natives” they still remembered that Earth was a Living Being, and the humans volunteered to assist and protect Gaia during Her “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality.

The ancients understood the concept of “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality,” but as humanity “grew up” many of them forgot to honor dear Gaia, as their Mother Planet. Worse yet, as the humans became more “civilized” they often forgot that Planet Gaia was a living being and not just a planetary orb on which humans could live, pillage, burn, bomb, flood, and fight over the possession of what they saw as “Their Land.”

In fact, too often it was only “their land” because they stole it from other humans, or stole it from Gaia by destroying the area. “Why were the humans like that?” you may ask. In fact, you could even ask, “Why are humans STILL like that?”

It is because they came to the body of dear Gaia to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond—but they got LOST! They got lost in their own selfish “power over others,” they got lost in their greed, which led humanity to take too much away from Earth, and give too little back!

Worst of all, the Galactic Beings who chose to take a human form in order to best assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension, got lost in searching for their “Personal Ascension!” Would it be fair to take too much away from a human friend or family member or, to demand too much of them, and try to rule over them?

Or, would the taking from others, and the giving too little back a sign that that human was becoming the “Lost Ones.” The Lost Ones even lost their ability to remember their own Higher Dimensional SELF, their reason for taking an Earth Body, and most sadly, they lost the ability to have, give and/or receive Unconditional LOVE.

“Unconditional Love” is LOVE WITH OUT CONDITION. Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key will only open one’s Heart to love themselves, when they can open their heart to others as well. “Unconditional Love” does NOT have a scoreboard. Unconditional Love does not need their gift of love to be sent to then.

That is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL! In other words, it is NOT a trade, or a bargain. You do not need to Love, Control, or Follow a person in order to receive that Unconditional Love. In other words, Unconditional Love is UNCONDITIONAL. One does not need to earn it, as it is already a component of their own fifth dimensional SELF.

They also realized that the more one Gave Away Unconditional Love, the more higher dimensional love they could accept from the higher dimensional energy fields that have ALWAYS circled Gaia, but was too often invisible to those who sought to find it.

Those who sought that Unconditional Love for themselves, often had too many conditions in their life to even understand Unconditional Love, much less be able to give Unconditional Love.

Unconditional Love is infectious in that it naturally travels from person to person. In fact, the core of the Unconditional love is within every one, but they usually do NOT know that. Ascended Masters found their core of Unconditional Love and freely shared and sent it to others. The had no reason to send this love because it was unconditional.

There are so few “unconditional things, persons and situations” that most humans expect that if they want something, they will need pay for it in some way. But those who have experienced someone loving them “unconditionally,” which is “no matter what, where, when or why.” That love is free to give and beloved to receive.

However, there are so VERY many conditions in your third dimensional reality that it is often difficult to recognize, and especially to believe that one would give you love, just because they want to share their love with you. When this occurs, the consciousness of both the giver and the receiver expands.

By “expansion of consciousness” we Arcturians mean that one’s third and fourth dimensional self rules, regulations, challenges and obligations can be more easily transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness, in which the opportunities for expansion of one’s consciousness can

Unconditional Love is love WITH OUT condition. That would be “Unconditional Love.” Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key will only open one’s Heart to love themselves, as well as to love others, Unconditionally. Unconditional love does NOT a have scoreboard.

Unconditional Love does not need to be send back in the same amount or action that it was received. That is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL! In other words, it is NOT a trade or a bargain. You do not need to LOVE, Control, or Follow a person to have Unconditional Love, because it is UNCONDITIONAL.
The Long Journey to Find your SELF

The Journey into remembering your Higher SELF is one that will be occurring more and more as your “Pleiadian human disguise" reminds you that the Portals to the Fifth Dimensional frequency of reality are increasingly opening.

These portals will connect Gaia with Her own fifth dimensional Planetary SELF. However, only those beings who can calibrate their consciousness to the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of resonance will be able to have any awareness of this higher frequency of reality.

The challenge for humanity is to remember that “The Portals to the Fifth Dimension” are starting to open NOW in a manner that is different then it ever was before. Therefore, those whose consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and beginning fifth dimensional consciousness are perceiving a “feeling!”

What is this “feeling” or is it a “knowing” or even a “remembering?” There is still NO shape, as the fifth dimensional energy fields can usually only be perceived by ones Highest States of Consciousness, such as deep meditation or prayer.

This experience of perceiving that which you usually cannot see or hear during your daily physical self, occurs when because you have consciously, or unconsciously, focused on expanding the energy field of your Heart, your Mind and what is often called, your “Heart/Mind,” which also expands the Aura of your Energy Field.

The expansion of your Hearth/Mind/Energy Field is the beginning of the process of remembering your innate fifth-dimensional frequency of Light/SELF. When your Heart and Mind merge, you will more deeply understand the higher dimensional energy fields that you FEEL what you are KNOWING.

The reason for this consciousness expansion is because your Multidimensional SELF (the YOU who resonates to many frequencies of reality), has opened the inner portal to your higher frequencies of reality.

This Portal was actually opened by your own Higher SELF, who will assist you to FIND and FOLLOW the Path that you will hear as an inner call, and a deep knowing that you always had, but often FORGOT. On the other hand, you can not perceive any of these fifth dimensional perceptions via your third dimensional brain.

Fortunately, more and more grounded humans, as well as Gaia’s many other life forms, are beginning to be, or have always been, in alignment with Gaia’s energy fields. When a human is in alignment with Gaia, they can send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire of Transmutation into Gaia’s Core Crystals.

As more and more humans merge with their own Higher SELF, the Unity Consciousness of those humans will greatly assist the healing and transmutation of Gaia. Yes, Gaia wishes to transmute into Her fifth dimensional Planetary SELF, just as humans wish to transmute into their fifth dimensional SELF.

We, is best if they also merge with dear Mother Gaia. Most of Gaia’s life forms are already connected to Gaia via Her Water, Earth, Air, Spirit or Fire/sunlight.

When humans were “natives” they still remembered that Earth was a Living Being, and the humans volunteered to assist and protect Gaia during her “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality. The ancients understood the concept of “rebirth” into a higher frequency of reality,” but as humanity “grew up” many of them forgot to honor dear Gaia, as their Mother Planet.

Worse yet, as the humans became more “civilized” they often forgot that Planet Gaia was a living being and not just a planetary on which humans could live, pillage, burn, bomb, flood, and fight over the possession of what they saw as “Their Land.”

However, too often it was only “their land” because they stole it from other humans, or stole it from Gaia by destroying the area. “Why were the humans like that?” you may ask. In fact, you could even ask “why are humans STILL like that?”

It is because they came to the body of dear Gaia to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond—but they got LOST! They got lost in their own selfish “power over others,” “their greed, which led humanity to take too much away from Earth, and give too little back!

Would it be fair to take too much away from a human friend or family member or, to demand too much of them, and try to rule over them The taking from others, and the giving too little back is a sign of a human “Lost One.”

A Lost One is one who has lost their ability to remember: their Higher Dimensional SELF, their reason for taking an Earth Body, and most sadly, lost the ability to have, give or receive Unconditional LOVE.

Unconditional Love is love WITH OUT condition. That would be “Unconditional Love.” Unconditional Love is the key to ascension. However, this key will only open one’s Heart to love themselves, as well as others, Unconditionally.

Unconditional love does NOT have scoreboard. Love does not need to send back in the same amount or action. That is because “Unconditional Love” is UNCONDITIONAL! In other words, it is NOT a trade or a bargain. You do not need to LOVE, Control, or Follow a person to have Unconditional Love, because it is UNCONDITIONAL.

The Ascended Masters were able to hold, share and give away Unconditional LOVE, which showed humanity how to love UNCONDITIONALLY. What was often a surprise to the humans who followed the Masters and/or their works and contributions, saw that these Masters could give away everything, except for their ability to live within and share Unconditional Love for others.


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