Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Illusion: We Don’t Perceive the World as It Is

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We Don’t Perceive 


World as It Is


Our individual “perception” is severely limited in various respects and is only booked for limited utility, which is usually sufficient for survival. For example, humans can only see a very small portion of the total spectrum of electromagnetic waves as visible light (divided into so-called colors). Also he can only hear a small frequency range from the wide spectrum of sound waves with his ears. The tactile sense, the sense of smell and the sense of taste (olfactorial senses) are also very limited and only provide subjective information. The natural sciences, especially physics, should help us to discover the truth. They should expand our five senses through their devices and experimental arrangements. Do they really do that? What does physics see as its primary task?
Physics does not have the task of fathoming the essence of nature, but of supporting the measurable with mathematical models,”
says Niels Bohr (see also Chaper 7.1: Bohr model of energy quantization anticipates the inhomogeneity of space-time (ND), Volume II, p. 293).
In a lecture, the retired Prof. Dr. Franz F. Schöberl, theoretical physicist at the University of Vienna, said:
“We cannot imagine all the small things in the atomic range, in quantum mechanics. I don’t understand a word of what’s going on in there; I’ve learned the language and can calculate and then I interpret it. Whether this has something to do with reality or is truth, what we measure and calculate, that’s a philosophical question, we physicists have no idea. We describe what we see in the broadest sense of the word, for example, with the electron microscope, and then we develop our formulas.”

“Many people ask me quasi-religious questions: …how the universe came into being, and so on. As a physicist I can only answer: I am not an expert for that; I am only an expert in experiment and measurement”.  “The theory of the Big Bang is just marketing”,
said Prof. Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Prize winner for Physics in an interview with the leading German journal DER SPIEGEL on the occasion of the publication of his book “Abschied von der Weltformel” (Farewell to the World Equation), 2007 (The greatest irony is that ten years after the publication of Volume 1 on the discovery of the Universal Law by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov in 1997, this misguided physicist wanted to say farewell to the world equation, which shows how unworldly and lost all these highly praised scientists are).

Abschied von der Weltformel: Die Neuerfindung der Physik
Physicists see themselves as measuring and calculating natural scientists, including Erwin Schrödinger and John A. Wheeler. Interpretation of their formulas and calculations is not their real concern. A different way of thinking and terminology would then be necessary.
Some scientists, such as Rupert Sheldrake and Fritjof Capra, have nevertheless delivered very successful and accurate interpretations. This also applies to the famous quantum physicists H.-P. Dürr (from Munich) and David Bohm from the USA as well as to the French Bernard d’Espagnat and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (who was informed by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov about the discovery of the UL shortly before he died, so that he was physically unable to follow this theoretical breakthrough which he anticipated and welcome), among others. The famous quantum physicist from London, David Deutsch (”The fabric of reality”), also understands physics as a science that is intended to bring to the people an extended understanding of nature. If then such a highly respected physicist as Richard Feynman has to admit in his famous Lectures on Physics that physics cannot even explain what energy is (“We must admit that until now we do not know what energy is“, Vol 1), which is its main object of investigation, then this leaves a significant and sad, but unfortunately correct impression that physicists do not understand Nature.
This impression is further reinforced by the fact that physicists have still not succeeded in developing a theory of everything (TOE) that, among other things, unifies and precisely describes all four fundamental forces – gravitation, electromagnetism, weak and strong nuclear forces. Until now gravitation cannot be integrated with the other three forces and there is no theory of gravitation at all. One only speaks of a desirable unification of forces or interactions and how to improve the deficient standard model that is considered the pinnacle of modern physics. At the end of his university career, a theoretical physicist friend told us that the world formula (Weltformel, universal equation), which Einstein and other well-known physicists feverishly searched for in the first half of the 20th century, would probably
”forever remain a dream. Otherwise – if there is only one Universal Law and equation – there will be no need for theoreticians like myself, who love to calculate complicated equations, but only technicians who invent new machines and devices.”
What now needs to be done urgently is to put physics on a correct axiomatic basis that unites everything in the form of a world equation. Georgi Alexandrov Stankov succeeded in this with the discovery of the Universal Law (UL) in 1995, first published in 1997 as Volume I on physics and mathematics (see photo of the book above). In the following we shall give a short introduction.
Every system of knowledge, including mathematics, is based on an a priori basic idea, an undoubted starting point of all human thinking, which does not have to or cannot be proven by further statements as it will not be of primary origin. Such an idea inevitably begins with the assumption that there is ”Something” – that All-THAT-Is which we observe as our reality is something and not nothing, e.g. vacuum. Subsequently, it can be shown that the ”nothing” does not exist. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has already proved this stringently.
Notwithstanding this undeniable fact, physicists assume the existence of vacuum (nothing) in Nature. Because of this fundamentally wrong idea physicists have to assume in modern quantum physics that all elementary particles of matter, being something, are created from the “energy-rich” vacuum, from nothing, according to certain symmetry rules. This in itself is a paradoxical contradiction and an oxymoron that proves that current physics is fake science.
In Stankov’s Universal Law this Something is the Primary Term of human consciousness – it is All-THAT-Is; it is equated to Energy = Spirit = Consciousness etc. in the Primary Axiom of all human thinking. The naming is basically irrelevant, one can use any term which seems meaningful/ appropriate for didactic reasons, for instance, in physics the primary term is called “energy” as this science only deals with energy interactions. This energy is regarded as real and actually existing. It is everything there is, otherwise there would be only nothing. Everything else is a product of our illusory perception, Maya as the Vedas call it. Indeed, humans can only perceive energy as space-time due to their limited senses and then divide it into space and time for the sake of measurement and further experimental observations as Georgi Alexandrov Stankov reiterates over and over again in all his articles and books (see also Realitas infinita part 1 and part 2)
Space and time are the only two components/constituentsof Nature = All-THAT-Is = energy = space-time, from which Stankov can derive all other concepts of the new physics of the UL. But also these are only human terms. In reality, there is only energy, which occurs as waves/frequencies. Space and time are artificial abstractions of the human mathematical mind, as Stankov undoubtedly proves. For instance, the three-dimensional Euclidean space where all gravitational energetic interactions are presented in classical mechanics is empty geometric space that does not contain energy. It is another representation of vacuum that contradicts the primary term. “There are no facts in the material illusiory world, only interpretations” said Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
The part of energy perceptible to man as space-time constitutes what is called the external physical world. That is why we say that we live in a material world, we distinguish it from the wider world, which cannot be perceived by the five senses and the devices and experimental arrangements of natural scientists. This is denied in physics or pushed into the realm of metaphysics (philosophy, religion, esotericism). These areas are not regarded as exact sciences.
We emphasize once again: space and time, like all concepts of physics, have arisen in the minds of scientists and are mere human terms. They say nothing about the essence of things. They only give an explanation of the phenomena with which people are confronted in their daily lives and in technology. In other words, they only seem to explain Nature. They only give explanations within the illusory 3D world.
What is studied in physics is only the interactions between the things that are actually energy. The physicist calls it energy interactions or energy exchange, without knowing what energy really is. Physicists can only name and define this energy, which has nothing to do with reality. It is only a mathematical system in the minds of scientists, which has a certain relation to the differently named and defined energetic phenomena.
The physicist can measure and calculate exactly within this self-created system and these processes are independent of space and time on our planet as well as in the associated galaxy and thus reproducible by other physicists, because they are represented stringently, verifiably, in an unequivocal mathematical manner. If there are civilizations outside the Earth that have ”accidentally” developed a related edifice of mental, scientific ideas, then these results also apply to them. This accurate reproduction of physical results obtained in experiments has established the reputation of physics as the most accurate human science.
The only immeasurable thing physicists cannot deny is the thought process. Descartes famous sentence: ”Cogito ergo sum” – ”I think, therefore I am”, expresses this. The only real thing is the immaterial thought process or consciousness – which therefore forms the starting point in Stankov’s Universal Law: The primary term of human consciousness. From this he derives all known physical quantities, concepts and constants that make up this science.
For the blinders mentality of natural scientists, however, thought/ perception/ consciousness is only a by-product of matter. This is also called materialism. In contrast to this is idealism, which emanates from the mind, from thinking, from the idea – as it happens in this treatise and in the UL.
Physics has introduced a number of technical terms which, however, do not describe any intrinsic properties of matter. They are abstract mathematical quantities, thought things, mathematical rules. They are called basic SI units: Time (second), length (meter), mass (kilogram), charge (coulomb), current (ampere), temperature (Kelvin degree), amount of matter (mol), where charge and current actually form one basic unit because they are derived in a circle. In addition, there are 23 other SI units with special names that are derived from these basic units.
Read hereEssay: Systems of Measurements and Units in Physics (Part 1)
In the new physics of Stankov’s Universal Law there are only two basic units – space and (absolute) time = frequency f = 1/t – from which all other terms are stringently derived.
To quote Stankov:
“In fact, the unprocessed use of a variety of abstract mathematical variables and symbols in order to describe Nature, which were then interpreted as immanent (inherent) properties of matter was the fundamental epistemological blunder of all physicists that has led to the current unnecessary and unyielding mathematical complexity in this discipline. The latter has veiled and obscured the simplicity of the Nature of Energy= All-That-Is = Primary Term of Human Consciousness, from which an infinite diversity of forms can be created.
All physical quantities with which one describes nature are abstract U-sets of the primary term, which are defined within mathematics and introduced into experimental research by the measurement method. For this reason, it is not possible to separate their definition from their measurement method. Such quantities have no real existence outside human consciousness. This is true for all quantities, such as mass, charge, etc. Mass, according to its conventional definition, is an energy relationship/ratio (quotient of two quantities of energy). Charge is a synonym for geometric area. This pleonasm could only be discovered within the framework of the new Axiomatics (Vademecum to the Scientific Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law).
The measuring methods have also been developed in the minds of the researchers. They are imposed on Nature from the outside, so to speak. Because the physicist has already seen and named certain phenomena and the measurement method is exactly tailored to this naming, he cannot come to deviating results, unless he cheats, which, however, can be proven quickly. He then believes that he has correctly assessed the reality, but has, in fact, only confirmed his own unreal assumptions. Who, for instance, measures charges (geometric areas), receives charges (area = 2D-space) again and again and then he believes that charge is an intrinsic property of matter.
ReadThe Greatest Blunder of Science. Charge is a Synonym for Area
The same blunder is repeated in the definition of mass as Stankov explains here:
“Mass, for example, according to its conventional definition, is an energy relationship (quotient of two quantities of energy) and thus also a dimensionless number. The attribute “kilogram” is merely a hint to the reference system and can be replaced by any other word or need not be mentioned at all. This would not change the correctness of the mathematical result at all. This conclusion is very important because one can eliminate all SI units in the traditional physical formulas and represent them directly from the primary term of space-time. This new symbolism of space-time leads to an unimagined simplification of physics (see Table 2):

The advantage of the new space-time symbolism in physics lies in the basic cognitive truth that humans can perceive energy only as space-time due to their limited senses. In a second step, they divide space-time in space and time by arresting the one constituent artificially in the mind in order to measure them as allegedly separate entities in the external world. In mathematics, this is expressed by assigning either space or time the number 1, and thus assuming that it is constant and does not change.
This is a highly artificial and flawed procedure as space-time is a unity and its two constituents are intrinsically linked (“canonically conjugated” as one says in mathematics) and behave reciprocally. This fundamental and ample fact of human reality perceived by all humans as space-time, where all scientific exploration today takes place as applied empiricism, has remained totally unrecognized by all physicists until I resolved this fundamental gnostic blunder of all scientists in 1994 and introduced the new space-time symbolism in physics and science. This insight has led to a very easy unification of all physical disciplines under the Universal Law of Nature (Vademecum to the Scientific Theory and Gnosis of the Universal Law).
The well-known Einstein formula E=mc² indicates an equivalence between mass and energy. This means that within the framework of physics a certain amount of energy can be assigned to each mass (see here). Stankov has explained this formula in more detail here and freed it from its false nimbus. He has shown that what has been overlooked so far is the fact that mass does not actually have an equivalent as energy, but simply is energy.

The current definition of mass is as follows: “Mass is both a property of a physical body and a measure of  its resistance to  acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a net force is applied.[1] An object’s mass also determines the strength of its gravitational  attraction to other bodies.” (Wikipedia). Further on, this definition assumes seven properties (values) of mass, such as inertial mass, active gravitational mass, passive gravitational mass, etc. Only human sensations are communicated here, which cause a profound cognitive confusion.
In this way, physicists also come to the false assumption that photons have no mass (?) and therefore cannot be used to explain what they call ”dark energy and dark mass” in the universe. Stankov has shown that photons do, indeed, have mass within the framework of conventional physics and that this mass is identical to the dark energy and mass, which cannot be measured and explained in cosmology at present and represent the greatest mystery of this science. The fact that photons also have mass, in the sense that they have energy and thus can and must participate in energetic comparisons with other systems such as the elementary particles of quantum physics, leads to the integration of gravitation with electromagnetism and thus with the other two basic forces in the Standard Model, as can be seen at a glance from Table 1:

Above all, the mass of photons can be used for the first time to explain gravitation. At present, physics is unable to explain the mechanism of gravitation, which reveals the inadequacy of classical Newtonian mechanics.
Read hereThe Mechanism of Gravitation – for the First Time Explained
In the New Physics of the Universal Law, however, the concept of mass as an “intrinsic property of matter” is completely rejected. There is ”only” energy and it is responsible for all phenomena observable in the world of the five senses. So it is not that a system ”has energy” or ”is equivalent to a certain amount of energy”, but that each system IS energy. Let me quote an example from the real world of energy: Man has no soul, man is the (immortal) soul. This idea is easily understood when one adopts the concept of U-sets from the set theory: An U-set is a set that contains the Whole =Energy and itself as an element.

How do empirically working physicists proceed? According to Wikipedia, empiricism (from Greek empeiría experience, experiential knowledge) is a methodical-systematic collection of data. The findings from empirical data are also sometimes briefly called empiricism. In philosophy of science, empiricism as an experience that leads to a hypothesis (or refutes it) is juxtaposed with evidence, i.e. the immediate insight of a scientific assertion.
This is already the ”rabbit in the hole”: ”A methodical-systematic collection of data” cannot take place unless a working hypothesis has been formulated in the minds of the scientists beforehand – apart from the pre-formulated basic concepts and methods of measurement. The hypothesis must always stand at the beginning. It can then be verified or rejected at the end of an empirical experiment. Without the initial hypothesis, the scientist does not know what and how to measure. Research without a working hypothesis is like poking in a haystack, where the famous needle is not even up for debate.
It is crucial for any meaningful research that a meaningful question is asked first and then a suitable hypothetical answer is given. This can be done on the basis of long experience and/or intuition (on the subject of intuition in science and daily life, see here). This shows as plain as day that in the so-called empirical research, too, thought/consciousness comes first, which is vehemently denied by physicists because they cannot understand and measure it (better: they are not allowed to do that). The whole idea of empiricism is rather a fantasy or more precisely – a deliberate restriction of the researcher’s mind – and serves only to avoid seeing the primary cause which lies outside the research field of empirical natural sciences.
All essential scientific, spiritual and artistic breakthroughs and achievements in the long history of mankind have been made through intuitive inspiration from the soul worlds and only then confirmed in the external world in a secondary manner.
Read herePrognostic Power of the New Gnosis
Therein lies for man the cradle of truth (read: ”What is truth“). Here also the freedom of man is revealed, which is denied to him in the context of present-day science, religion and national state – even if the associated propaganda claims the opposite: e.g. ”The truth will set you free”. The ”truth” proclaimed in the New Testament, however, is invented and becomes a prison for the believer. Likewise, the national state does not protect the freedom of man and its civil rights, it simply enslaves him. The only truth is that man is a powerful creator of his reality and does not need any external authorities to protect him or to tell him what to do and what not to do.
The armies of grey mice (”researchers”) in the laboratories of the mega-corporations have only strengthened the financial power of the companies with their ”empirical” approach, but have delivered nothing of real scientific value. It is always soul-centered individuals who bring real progress through their intuition, because their insights have a consciousness-expanding effect. The discovery of the Universal Law and the development of the General Theory of Science by Georgi Alexandrov Stankov that was accomplished outside the established system of scientific research institutions is the ultimate proof. It goes without saying that this is not what the elites in the background want. Hence the emphasis on empiricism in order to keep humanity in utter ignorance.
For physicists, measuring and calculating are the alpha and the omega. Armies of scientists can be employed and enormous sums can be spent without something really fundamentally new coming out. The mountains of data and the complexity of the formulas are in constant competition thus creating an infinite maze. It is basically an ”occupational therapy”, whose direction of impact is always (must be) directed in such a way that the true essence of ”All-THAT-Is” remains hidden to humans. It is a totally agnostic process in which even the so-called interpretations get miserably stuck in triviality. Many of these sham interpretations are only published as scientific articles in order for the politicians to approve even more research funds, which, of course, is another sham, since the control over politicians, MSM and scientists is already carried out by the same evil backers whose aim is to prevent real knowledge (read here). Scientists who see through the game usually postpone their critical thoughts until they retire and then they usually get sick and have no power to follow them.
It goes without saying that this kind of politically controlled scientific activity does not (and cannot) result in open-end research. The result must always remain ”within the framework” of the prescribed. Therefore, physics in its present form cannot formulate a world equation of everything, any more than mathematics can solve its foundation crisis, which has been smoldering since 1900 and was proven beyond any doubt by Gödel in 1931. (see here). But if research is not open-ended, then it is not science, but more or less conscious deception. In this way, undesirable technology is also prevented, as Stankov has shown here and here. The wrong 2nd law of thermodynamics (law of entropy), for example, mainly serves to prevent the development of generators of free photon energy (see here).
For further details read also:
  1. Stankov: Subjectivity and Objectivity of Human Perception
  2. Stankov: The Fraud of Modern Science – Ebook
  3. Weise: What is Truth
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