Monday, November 4, 2024

Shining Out Our Inner Light

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 Shining Out our Inner Light

6, 2021

Shining Out Our Inner Light

We all have Inner Light, even if we are not aware of it. Sometimes, someone may have told us that we were not "good enough" and because of that comment we may have dimmed our inner light.  

However, what someone else tells us cannot harm our "inner light," as our inner light lives within us, and enters us through our chakras. 

Each of our chakras are portals that can open to accept and to share our own "inner light" with others. 

Also, the more we send out our "inner light" to others, the more  inner light we can recognize and share our inner light with others. 

In fact, each of our Chakras have a different frequency of Inner Light, and each frequency of  Inner Light will go to different parts of our mind and body.

As each area of our works with all the other areas of our body, our body works as one being because all of the many parts of our body, mind, thoughts, desires, memories, dreams and more continue to work as ONE person. 

In fact, this "one person" is like a town or a city. If all the components of the city are in communication with all the other beings in the "city" then the city or town will be able to function with the many people working together are ONE.

And that ONE begins with the many who cooperate as ONE!

                               THANK YOU TO THE MANY, 

                   WHO CAN LIFE TOGETHER AS  THE ONE!



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Monday, September 23, 2024

Now it is the Time to see!

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Now It Is The Time To SEE


Now it is the Time to see!                                                                                                                                                                          

Now it is the time to see 

The ONE that we have chose to be

We may not know, or fear to show

The ME that is the part of WE

We are, of course, within the ONE

Who chose to come here from the Sun

This Sun within is how we see

The ONE that we have come to be

“What is this ONE, we hear you ask?

Why are we here, what is our task?

The answer is of course unknown

But with our faith it will be shown

But what is faith, we hear you ask

That seems to be too big a task

Can I release the need to ask

And merely complete my chosen task?

And once that task has all been done

I may believe it was great fun

But what is fun in world gone wild?

It was never like this as a child

I thought that when I was all grown

My mission would be quickly shown

Instead, now that I have grown

I am more confused by the world I’m shown

It there a way to find the past

And bring it back, so it will last?

The promises came, and we were glad

But soon that glad turned into sad

However, now that I have spoken

I feel a pledge that can’t be broken

What is that pledge that lives inside me

Can I bring if forth so I can see?

See the me I was meant to be

And know a life that’s free of strife

But “free of strife” has never been

So I often feel I cannot win

But when I allow that though to show

I find that that will make it grow

I do not want to hold my worry

And think that life is only “hurry”

What if I thought the I could see

The ONE above I’d like to be

Could I just choose to look above

And KNOW that I will still find LOVE?

Could I think that I could be

The ONE that I have sought to see?

Could it be that what I wish for

Is knocking at my own front door

I do not know if that could be

But I WILL believe, it CAN be ME


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Monday, September 2, 2024

Through The Matrix-CHAPTER 22, Pleiadian Transmissions to Earth

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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Through The Matrix-CHAPTER 22, Pleiadian Transmissions to Earth


Pleiadian Transmissions to Earth
Dear Earthlings, which includes ALL living beings who are able to receive, attend to, and share our message, we are honored to share with you what is occurring in the higher dimensions that encircle Gaia. 
The Arcturians will also have their transmission, but they wanted us Pleiadians to begin this process as we appear more human and are more able to understand human behaviors. 
Also, we Pleiadians have taken many earth vessels to better understand humanity.
We Galactics occasionally take an “earth vessel” as a preparation for us to better understand Earth society. 
The most difficult part of our “joining Earth society” is the illusion of being alone. 
On the Ship, we are in constant contact with everyone on the Ship. 
We can easily recognize each other by their aura, and we can intermingle our auras to share our every thought and feeling without speaking. 
The leaders are chosen by their experience and intermingle their auras with all the members of the Ship to share their personal and professional lives. 
These leaders are chosen by their experience, which are automatically shared via their auras, and the Unconditional Love that fills their aura. 
Also, all the leaders have, and continue to have, total dedication to our “Service to Others.” 
However, the term “others” includes the Ship, with whom we all have an intimate relationship. 
The Ship holds the 5D Blueprint for Earth and for ALL of Gaia’s many beings who visit, and/or live onboard the Ship. 
Most of the occupants on the Ship, volunteer to take “away missions” to physical Earth so that they can learn more about how they can assist with planetary ascension, as well as to have a more intimate experience with the “grounded humans” who are part of the Ship’s “Away Team.”
The biggest challenge for our Away Team, is to remember our TRUE SELF and NOT get lost in the illusions and fears of our third dimensional expressions who have joined our away team to Gaia. 
We are not “just” Multidimensional Beings. 
We have the ability to “be at ONE,” or “merge with,” just our Pleiadian self, OR merge with just our human self, AND/ OR simultaneously BE our third dimensional human self, our fourth dimensional astral self andour fifth dimensional and beyond Galactic SELF.
When we do not limit our “sense of SELF” to being a third dimensional human, we remain in constant contact with our higher dimensional expressions of SELF. We have found that this two-way connection with our Earth Self and our Galactic SELF can be very challenging. 
Fortunately, we are very pleased to see that more and more of our “third dimensional human expressions of self” are remembering their “fifth dimensional Galactic Self” while we are still wearing our third dimensional human representative.
We say “wearing our third dimensional self” because our third dimensional self feels we are “wearing” this component of our SELF. Sometimes it feels like we are wearing a sweater or jacket to protect them from the cold, as well as the lower frequency energy fields of the lost ones who have forgotten their true Multidimensional SELF.
All of the expressions of our Multidimensional SELF are available to our fourth dimensional and beyond states of consciousness. However, even we Pleiadians can become lost within the illusions of the third dimensional reality. 
It is for this reason that we always travel with a “buddy” as humans would say. When we are accompanied with a close friend and partner, we can both assist each other while we travel within the deep illusions and lies of your third dimensional reality. 
From visiting you on Earth, we can see that so many of you have also chosen to take this 3D incarnation in order to learn how to expand our consciousness while being constantly surrounded by the low frequency rate of the third dimension. 
We commend you all, especially those of you have taken many incarnations on third dimensional Earth. We see that you do so to better understand the third dimension, and how to expand your awareness enough to bravely confront the many challenges that you, our “volunteers to third dimensional Earth” must face.
Fortunately, when we Galactics take an earth vessel, we are able to expand our consciousness, and hence our perceptions, to be able to “read the aura” of others in the same manner that we read aura’s and psychically communicate on our Ships. 
Via this psychic information we can determine if a human would be able to expand their mind enough to accept that we are, indeed, fifth dimensional beings from a higher dimension. Some humans, in fact more and more of you, are able to allow us to assist you to temporarily expand your consciousness to encompass the fifth dimensional frequency of reality. 
When you are able to expand your consciousness in this manner, you are more able to travel to our, your, Starship and then return to your physical body with the memory of your life on the Ship. As you continue to visit your “HOME” on the Ship, it is much easier for you to remember both your life on Earth and you life on the Ship.
Even if your earth memory of your life on the ship is dim, you still remember the “Earth Mission” that you have chosen. This memory may come and go from your consciousness, but it is like a “trail of bread crumbs” that reminds you that there is a way home, and you will find it when it is the NOW to return,
However, if you hold fear, frustration, anger, sorrow or illness, it is MUCH more difficult to remember your True SELF and your Earth Mission, which is what you volunteered to remember and to do. We find that it can be VERY difficult to remember our mission once we are surrounded by the fears and challenges of the third dimensional world.
The process of taking an Earth Vessel, and being confined to your third/fourth dimensional physical and astral self, can easily make you forget your True, Multidimensional SELF. 
It is for this reason that we take your sleeping, or meditating self, back to the Ship as soon as your consciousness expands into the higher fourth and/or fifth dimensional states of consciousness. While in these higher states of consciousness you can more easily remember everything about your Mission. 
When you come to the Ship, one of the first things that we do is to put you into one of the “healing beds,” which will assist you to ease your third dimensional fears and worries. With your 3D/4D fears and worries transmuted back into fifth dimensional Love and Light, you are more able to return to Earth with your innate higher states of consciousness and continue with your Mission.
Since “time” is an illusion of your third/fourth dimensional reality, no one in your 3D world will know that you have “phased OUT” of third dimensional time and space during your sleep, or meditation. Since the “third dimensionals” have no concept of our reality, they do NOT perceive what they can NOT believe.
Within your NOW, many of you are living between realities. Therefore you are not fully third dimensional, fourth dimensional or fifth dimensional. In fact, you—the awakened ones—are learning, as well as beginning to remember, how your third dimensional daily life influences, and is influenced by, your fourth dimensional artistic moments and dreams. 
Some of you are also remembering your fifth dimensional experiences on your Starship which is orbiting in outer space, and sometimes, around your planet. However, our fifth dimensional Mother Ship is fully cloaked and does not enter too deeply into your Solar System, as they could affect the planets too much.
Therefore, we send out our Scout Ships, which are still huge according to human standards, but are not too large to affect the gravity of your planetary system. More and more of our grounded ones who chose to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia, are seeing, feeling and visiting these Ships while they are sleeping or in deep meditation.

In fact, I, Zara Lynn, suggest that you go out at night once in a while, or even into Nature in the daytime, to look up and allow your Open Heart and Higher Mind to see, feel, hear, or even imagine one of our Ships calling YOU to visit.
Blessings from Zara Lynn, as well as you Pleiadians and Galactic Family

(Dear Readers,
I am sorry I have not been posting for a while. I had a lot of houseguests and we "left time" to have some friends. Hope you are all having a great summer as well. sue)

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Monday, August 26, 2024


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Transmissions from the Antarians



Through Suzanne Lie

Feeling Completion By Going Back To The Beginning


Note from Suzanne:

The below information channeled to me about the Antarians started on 7-4-14. I have been called to send it out, bit-by-bit via my Blog for all of you to experience. Antares is found within the greater star system of Scorpius (often known as Scorpio). Please see the Star map for Antares above. Then, perhaps you can look up into the night sky to find Antares.

(Suzanne Lie speaks:)

As I come toward the conclusion of the Pleiadian books, I am coming towards the conclusion of many other areas of my life. Primarily, I recognize how the outdated behaviors of my third-dimensional self lowers my consciousness. Third dimensional behaviors have always limited our consciousness, but we could not identify them quickly enough to see the connection. Then, a long “time” after that behavior we would realize the cause of the situation that we had created. 

Now we are seeing how our thoughts and emotions lay down the foundations of that which will soon be our creation. We are catching our self in the act of reacting to life in a third dimensional manner. Now, we can often observe how our reactionary behaviors create the same kind of situation again and again. 

Fortunately, we are beginning to consciously connect the dots of our old patterns of “unconscious” creation. As we consciously identify our reactions and interactions, we are realizing that we can choose to Let Go of our reaction and allow the unknown to enter our consciousness. 

This letting go has repeatedly been displayed in our life over the last six months or so. Therefore, we have been much more “conscious” of our unconscious creations. The wonderful lesson we have learned is that when we allow our self to LET GO of 3D reactions, interactions, judgments and conflicts, something always manifests that is much better. 

In other words, when we LET GO of my 3D reactions, a more creative and higher frequency energy field replaces that which we just released. With this realization, one may think that we would instantly “let go” of any third dimensional reactions to any person, place, situation or thing that is lowering my consciousness. 

However, before we can Let Go of all 3D reactions, we have to identify our third dimensional behaviors and/or habits that are tenaciously creating the very reaction that has NEVER worked. Why would we hang on to old behaviors that lower our consciousness and hold us in the lower frequencies?

The answer is because it has become “normal” to accept, behave, desire and/or react to life in a third-dimensional manner. As long as these behaviors are normal, we cannot see the portal of light that is quietly glimmering through the trees. This light is calling us to be aware of our both my reactive 3D self, as well as our Multidimensional SELF who constantly reminds us to LET GO of third dimensional challenges. 

In other words, our inner voice is whispering, crying, shouting to LET GO of old patterns of engaging in the now extinct third-dimensional dramas. Yes, these dramas are extinct, but many of our perceptual channels are tuned to a version of reality that only exists within my own unconscious self.

Fortunately, and often uncomfortably, we are NOW recognizing that these old tapes are no longer of interest. Our third dimensional desires are diminishing along with our third dimensional dreams of fame and recognition. Yes, we still like to feel as though someone is observing our life, however, as we stop judging our self, we are less and less concerned as to whether or not others are judging or acknowledging us.

Most important, we are beginning to KNOW and trust that we are always protected. We know that we are protected because we are able to “feel” our higher guidance above and within us. Of course, there still are “Initiations” in which we have chosen to confront any inner darkness that is ready to fall from our aura and be transmuted into light. 

Through these Initiations we are able to understand that we are actually being giving another chance to live the higher path of multidimensional light. We can choose this higher path by releasing our fear reactions and interactions with the illusions of the physical world. 

Since I joined Sandy and Jason in their process of merging with the elementals, there has been a huge shift in my consciousness. I am floating in and out of time in an embarrassing way, with lots of excuses as to why I appear so disoriented. But, the main change has been in my relationship with the elementals. My backyard is forging its way into the fifth dimension with the growing trees, abundant flowers, myriad insects and hummingbirds.

Many of us have decided to LET GO of our corporate jobs or that fast paced life of the big city. More and more of us want to walk in nature and enjoy our friends, family and the new life we are creating. We are discovering our inner abilities of manifesting the life we choose. Therefore, money, and the lack of it, has been as issue for so long that it has lost its value. 

Meanwhile, we are refusing to participate in a reality based on fear and lies. We can make this refusal NOW because we are remembering the WE are the “higher self.” This realization allows us to remember that we can only create a loving life we love our self. Loving our self is not easy because we have been trained for myriad incarnations that something is wrong with us. Or, maybe, we just weren’t “good enough.”

Why did we never stop to consider just “who was judging us and why. We were far too busy “trying” to be good enough for “them.” That is one of the main things that are changing. Because we are not judging our self, we are not be affected by the judgment of others.

As I am moving into the next phase, I find myself looking back to my first inter-dimensional and inter-galactic communication. Since these communications seemed so weird, so different and so unacceptable to almost everyone I knew I hid these files
 in the bowels of my computer.

Computer after computer held these early secrets that I kept from others and even tried to keep from myself. However, as much as one part of me was sure I was insane, another part of me KNEW that what I was experiencing was real. This process began when I first met the Arcturians, and they encouraged me to move through the “vortex.” Some time in May or June of 1995 I began to receive the below transmissions from Antares:

Greetings, We are from Antares.

We have come to communicate with you because you have formed an ancient alliance with us.  You did not remember this alliance until the Orion implant was removed.  This implant was placed in your etheric field when you were taken prisoner by them.  

You have served in our legions during many incarnations. You have not been able to recognize this portion of yourself as you have placed it in the darkness and judged it as “wrong.” Before you can move through the gateway of Arcturus, you must make peace with your warrior.

We have asked you if you would be willing to channel information for us.  We have messages, which we would like to relay to the people of Earth that are willing to hear.  We feel your doubt and fear to put your self in a vulnerable position.  This fear is ungrounded.  You are a great warrior.  The word warrior in you language means one who is at battle.


We translate the word “warrior” as one who is brave and unafraid of battle.  Battle is not the first choice, but it will be taken if necessary.  However, we on Antares have resolved the term battle into evolutionary terms instead of devolutionary terms. You are very connected to us because you were a Norseman and as a Celtic.  Do you now remember your bravery?


We came to your planet in the late 1980’s to assist your Gaia as She expands into her higher frequency expression of form. We have been working with humanity’s immune system, which has been very taxed by the pollutants within your biosphere. 

Some of the pollutants were released from Earth and others were a part of a chemical warfare that was occurring in the sky above your planet. The apex of this battle at that time was above your city of Los Angeles.  This is why we have come to communicate with you. 

It is time now for you to open your memory to us. To assist you with this process, we will recount the “dream” you had on our first meeting:

You were in your Light Body flying above your city.  The vibration of your Los Angeles is much like the vibration of Atlantis during its fall.  Our commander, Radulan, a name with which you are familiar, came to great you.  There was a facsimile of a space ship created for you so that you could feel more comfortable.    

When you entered the ship you met with many old friends from past, future, and parallel realities. We are a very dynamic people. Our energies are very different from the Arcturians with whom you have formerly communicated.  

We are very tall to your earth standards, about ten to twelve feet tall.  Our skin appears copper in color to you and we enjoy long hair, much like the Celtic pictures which you have collected.  

You have taken on a body this life that carries much of the genetic codlings of our people. Your line of heritage is Northern Europe. You felt our energy strongly when you where in Norway and Ireland. You have also taken a Norwegian husband. None of these incidents are accidental.  

You have been being prepared for many lives for this task. Yes, we feel your hearts pull to Arcturus.  It is indeed the planet of your ascension. However, at this time of our first meeting you need to align your energies with our race for the tasks that you are to accomplish. 

First you had to come to peace with the Warrior within you.  It was the final step necessary for the opening of your heart. We have assignments for you that you volunteered for very, very long ago from your measurement of time. Of course, time is not as you would measure from your third dimensional world. When you have made the transition from duality to unity, you will be living in the NOW. 

In fact, we speak to you from the omnipresent NOW. It is our task to assist you to understand the functioning of the NOW, so that you do not become confused by the many ensuing changes you are facing. For example, you are becoming someone new at the same time that you are becoming the person that you have always been. 

You are moving into the future at the same time that you are moving into the past. In no time and no-space there is no separation between future—past or new—old.  All simply IS.  As you have learned before, your planet is moving into the IS, NOW and BEING of the fifth dimension. Feel this Isness, Nowness and Beingness about you as you communicate with us. 

We use the word “US” because we are no longer in duality and no longer perceive ourselves as beings separate from each other. Again, when we say “no longer” there is an inference of time. It is difficult to communicate in your language without the inference of time or space.  

One the techniques that will allow you to expand your consciousness is to communicate with us by using a language free of references to time or space.  Within the NOW, language is NOT laid out in strings of letters or sounds such as we must now do to communicate with you.


One the techniques that will allow you to expand your conscious is to communicate with us by using a language free of references to time or space.  Within the NOW, language is NOT laid out in strings of letters or sounds such as we must now do to communicate with you.


Imagine now that we are with you.  See our form.  Yes, we are very tall by your standards.  We have taken on a denser form than we usually wear to facilitate your vision of us. Do you now see two beings standing behind me to my right and my left? They are emanations of myself.  

All is a spectrum. I am a band of energy. In order to communicate with you, I place my consciousness at a particular vibration upon that spectrum.  My “wings,” which appear to be two other people standing behind me to my right and left, are the bands in my spectrum.  

Imagine a long ribbon that is elastic. It is anchored at two distinct points.  The points of anchoring are the edges of the spectrum. Now these “edges” are actually an illusion. However, we choose envelopes of operation such as your envelopes of light and sound. 

At the point within this band or envelope that I place my consciousness, there is a peak of activity that fans out and behind me in both in both directions from that point of consciousness. 

Experience yourself now as a point on your spectrum. Put the past at one end and the future at the other end. Now move your consciousness towards the “past” portion of the spectrum and experience Atlantis.  Feel your consciousness moving along the band of the spectrum and view some of the other lives that you have remembered.  Your Atlantis life has a “niche” on the spectrum, as it was the point of your entry into duality.   

Now realize that this spectrum is actually a circle, as is all life.  As you see the band as a circle you can match up the resonant point of your entry into duality with the point of your exit from duality. As you see this spectrum as a circle, you realize that there is no beginning and no ending, no now and no later because you can travel around the circle many times. 

Also, you can go in either direction on the circle.  Therefore, you can begin again and again, or end—again and again.  You, however, are not the point.  You are spectrum.  The point of your consciousness is just a tool that you can use at this point of your remembering until you can embraces more of your emanations.  

In actuality, you are the entire circle and can exist in all “spaces” on the spectrum at the same “time.” You do not have to learn this process. You need only to remember it. We see in your mind the graph of the light spectrum and the points of it that are visual to a third-dimensional human. 

That is a good example of what we are saying. Now place that spectrum into a circle by connecting the “ends” of the spectrum. We ask you to practice expanding that spectrum of visibility until you can see all of it at once.  

How do you do this?  You move to a point of perception above the circle of Light. After you have achieved the ability to see the entire circle, practice becoming the circle and moving your point of awareness around it. 



We see that you struggle with the wounds of your long battle on Earth.  Release that struggle now and allow those wounds to heal. Your life shall be calm and simple for a portion of your time so that you can come into a complete healing.  Your body is undergoing a great transformation, your emotions are being healed in a deeper level than you ever imagined possible, and your mind is being expanded beyond of all of your lives on Earth.  

(Note from Sue, It is interesting that I was guided to read this message now. It has been 19 years since I received this message and I am just beginning to enter the healing and that the Antarian is speaking about here.)

Allow yourself now to enjoy this process. The Light will care for your needs. Release that old belief that you have to struggle in order to survive. You will always survive because you are Spirit.  Spirit is infinite.  

You are very blessed to be able to have this experience of transformation first hand.  For many lives you have been prepared for this experience.  Remember to use your Merkaba.  Draw it out and meditation on the drawing. The integration of you higher selves into your current reality will greatly assist you.  

Finish all that you have begun and BE patient. All is proceeding just as it should.  Remember, there truly is no time, as you know it. Therefore, there is no impatience.

To Be Continued 

by Commander Malteese

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previous: awakened 

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next: Pleiadian

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Monday, August 19, 2024

The Light of awakened consciousness - Arcturian Group Message

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Arcturian Group Message 

We of the Arcturian Group wish to say that much change is on the horizon. You are witnessing the death throes of world beliefs that have held mankind in bondage through lifetimes. These dense miscreations can only dissolve as higher frequencies of truth begin to replace the energy that formed them in the first place.
A sense of discord comes when everything familiar begins to change, but intense fears and confusion will not come to those who understand that nothing real ever ends, but rather transmutes into higher levels of expression as consciousness becomes more enlightened. Because third dimensional energy is so dense, this process is gradual and involves many twists and turns of resistance.
Focus your attention and efforts on being the highest level of truth you know in every moment and situation, rather than on the illusions of material sense around you. Your Light, the Light of awakened consciousness, is serving to open the pathways that allow more Light to flow to earth. These high frequency energies are affecting all life. Everyone is feeling them, the unawakened, the awakened, and the animal kingdom as well.
These high frequency energies are causing many of you to experience times when emotions, physical aches and pains, or extreme physical exhaustion seems to take over. If you are not alert, it can easily lead you to believe that something is seriously wrong, but then within a day or two things seem back to normal, and you feel fine--until the next time. These experiences are related to the process of clearing, translating and integrating new and higher frequencies into the physical, and the mind's interpretation of the process.
It takes energy to do these energetic upgrades, leaving you with less for your usual everyday chores. Ascension energies are replacing the denser in physical cells. Allow the process to take place without immediately concluding that something is wrong, but rather know that something is right. Your physical expression is unfamiliar with what is taking place because serious energetic upgrades while remaining in the physical has never happened before.
As you integrate these new energies and your resonance changes, you will no longer be in alignment with many things that up to now have been a part of ordinary living. Heavy foods, alcohol, sugars, and processed foods that you may of previously enjoyed with no problem, now either don't appeal to you or make you feel sick when you eat them.
Because everything is energy, energetic alignment is necessary if there is to be harmony of anything-- marriage relationships, friendships, foods, entertainment, employment, ideas, beliefs, etc. You are no longer in alignment with many of the seemingly ordinary things you were once aligned with. You're evolving state of consciousness is resonating with new and higher frequencies and attempts to make something spiritually outgrown continue as it once was, will not work.
Free will allows everyone to ignore truth as long as they wish, but truth can never go away because it is the reality. Only those things created from illusory concepts can dissolve permanently. Try to see change as a graduation, dear ones. Many believe that they are open to change, but when something familiar begins to change or disappear, even the very awake will often respond with resistance because there is a sense of security in what is familiar.
You are no longer evolutionary beginners and are well-prepared to withdraw your sense of security from the outer through the realization that safety and security are already fully present within, facets of your own Divine Consciousness. Learn to go with the flow while giving no power to events and situations that may affect your sense of security. Stay in the now moment, trusting that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan individually and globally, regardless of whether anyone believes it.
This does NOT mean that you never take precautions in situations where they may be required. It means that you take the practical actions you are guided to take for living in a third dimensional world, but you do these things without surrendering to fear concepts regarding certain people, places, or things, secure in the realization that one with God is a majority.
We wish to speak of suffering, which is a general term describing the feelings that follow great loss or simply living day-to-day in physical, emotional, or mental pain. Many (awakened and unawakened) are suffering as the result of the intense clearings of old energy now taking place in Gaia, individuals, and within the third dimensional belief system as a whole.
In previous lifetimes, most individuals incarnated with one lesson they wanted to concentrate on. Because of the powerful ascension process taking place now, you came into this life with the intention of resolving and moving beyond any remaining issues with people, places, groups, or belief systems--anything in need of completion or that might act as a barrier to your ascension.
Intense experiences of good or bad remain stored in cellular memory and are carried from lifetime to lifetime until cleared. Cellular memories you are ready to clear are surfacing through experiences that alert you to their presence but do not need to be identified or "figured out".
As you live from a higher state of consciousness, frequencies of Light automatically dissolve the lower resonating energies. It is a waste of time to dwell on or try to figure out everything that may be clearing because this just focuses on old energy. If it is necessary for you to know something for your spiritual growth, you will somehow get that information through dreams, intuition, or actual memory. At this time many of you are clearing for the world and not always personally. Remember, there is only ONE.
For those of you experiencing depression, sadness, and sorrow, we say to you, allow these emotions to flow through without resistance. Suffering is created by holding on to unfulfilled expectations of how things should look or be in order to be right, which always reflects one's personal belief system.
In the three-dimensional world, most suffering is caused by seemingly uncontrollable forces--nature, laws, religious beliefs etc. This is how a dimension, based in duality and separation, works. This is what you are evolving out of. Duality and separation does not exist in the higher dimensions. The three-dimensional belief system represents the lowest rung of a very high dimensional ladder, although most as yet do not realize this.
Suffering remains and will remain alive and well as long as world consciousness continues to create through beliefs of duality and separation. Never forget that as expressions of the Divine, everyone is a creator, forming their world out of the substance of their state of consciousness. Help those who suffer in whatever practical ways you are guided to, but never believe that it is your duty to save anyone, for all are learning lessons they themselves chose with the help of their Higher Self and Guides.
Mind interprets one's attained state of consciousness and manifests it as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual form. Suffering is resistance, a yearning for things to be the way a person believes they must be in order for them to be happy. Nothing will or can change globally or individually until consciousness changes because consciousness is the substance of all that is. You have reached that place of readiness that will enable you to move into the realization and experiences of who and what you really are.
Visualize a bright sun with many beams of intense light shining outward. As these beams of light get further away from the sun source, they start to become less bright, change appearance, and accumulate colors and shadow. Each light beam has a different look because it absorbs different colors and accumulate layers of energy that look like different fabric textures and colors. Each ray passes through these layers, creating different sensory experiences. The ray of Light never disappears, but is now completely obliterated by the layers of debris.
This is your story, the story of every man, woman, and child from the beginning. You are the Sun Beam that forever remains pure, intact, and perfect regardless of how much illusion is draped over IT. Evolution is the gradual removal of all debris.
Accept that you are already awake and that there is no longer any need to seek and search outwardly for what is already fully present within you.
Allow the process and trust that everything is proceeding according to plan.
We are the Arcturian Group

Dear readers of the Arcturian Group Messages, due to family and summer commitments, there will be no Arcturian messages for about a month.

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Shining Out Our Inner Light
