Monday, February 17, 2025


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The Beginning of the NEW Beginning



Here we all are at the beginning of a new beginning of that which we are not quite sure will begin. There will be many changes which will activate even more and more changes. 

Therefore, It is best if we can be within our selves. In this manner it will be easier to remember that our own Higher Self has chosen to wear a third dimensional Earth Vessel. 

And why did our Higher Self make this discussion? The reason is, of course, different for different people, different eras, and different societies. 

However, whenever there is a sense of Unity Consciousness in which the many work together to create that which they all desire to have, there is a sense of unity, security, happiness and hope!

Then the community has a sense of Oneness as the many choose for themselves to work as ONE group based on Love and Light. Of course, there are many "one groups" with each group having a sense of Unity and Hope.

A sense of Unity builds Hope, and a sense of Hope builds Unity. There have been many changes and challenges within our country lately, which will need to be healed by believing in one's self and believing in those who you choose to trust.

Sometimes the "top" and the “bottom” become confused. In the same manner, sometimes the outer life and the inner life seem to be both trying to find a way to understand and embrace that this NOW of much fear and confusion could also be the beginning of the NEW. The ending of the OLD.

In fact, the old and the new may often stand face to face, but each face, thoughts, and beings are working together in a new manner that is unfamiliar for many people.  In fact, many humans are now having to address that which seems very difficult to remember what they have known from before and, if they can be flexible, what they can alter about the old to assist the acceptance of the new.

It is important in this now, that we EXPAND our thoughts and feeling, so that we can embrace the new version of reality that is in the long process of merging that which is ready to be released with the courage to allow that release to occur in a calm, and peaceful manner.

It has been normal for many of eons in which the humans have lived on the body of dear Gaia, also known as Earth. We, the members of your Galactic Family, are most accustomed to think of the planet Earth as “Gaia,”  which is the name that planet Earth has known as a loving and dedicated term for Her planetary body.

Yes, Gaia is a living being who has uncountable numbers of inhabitants. Some of these members think of their planetary home as a "thing" which they can take from, disrespect, and even gravely damage. This damage is usually done by the humans who have forgotten, or never considered, that planet Gaia is a living BEING.

Fortunately, more and more humans are beginning to expand their perceptions beyond the limitation of their third dimensional physical body. 

When these brave and very wise humans decide to expand their perceptions to include that which their higher self can receive, perceive and influence while they are sleeping, meditating, being creative, and loving to all life, there is a different frequency of reality that that these expanded humans are able to perceive.

The conscious perception of these higher frequencies of Gaia's reality activates more and more of the human's brain power and eventually assists these humans to perceive the higher frequencies of Beloved Gaia! 

However, when one perceives with their innate, but very often unused, fourth and fifth dimensional "brain/heart" they will slowly, or quickly, begin to remember their own innate, Higher Dimensional SELF.

Ones Higher Dimensional SELF did not choose to incarnate on Gaia in order to obtain and/or control Gaia in any manner.  In fact, one's Higher Self resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, that component of SELF no longer is limited to the separation of person and planet. 

In fact, that Higher SELF", which some humans have, but have not yet remembered the feeling of being FIFTH DIMENSIONAL!

Just as there are different feeling if one is on a lovely, calm beach on a clear, warm day OR in a crowded space with many upset humans, and/or difficult weather, there is a great difference in ones state of consciousness. 

You brain is the machine that allows you to have perceptions and understanding. On the other hand, your state of consciousness is the FEELING that silently guides you to perceive that which is calling you to perceive it. 

It may seem that nature beings do not call humans. In fact, only awakened humans who love nature and honor it with all their thoughts and actions are able to communicate with dear Gaia in that manner. Within that manner of communication, one's "thoughts" are often driven by their state of consciousness because ones "consciousness" is thought of by human's as thoughts. 

However, ones state of consciousness is a combination of all the conscious, and even unconscious perception that always flow into your awareness. However, much of this awareness is not consciously acknowledging by the heart and brain. Therefore, it is often totally missed and/or forgotten in one's daily life.

However, the human members of Gaia are now moving into an era in which, those who are ready to REMEMBER, will begin to remember  that they can, and will, perceive higher frequencies of reality,    but only if they are READY!

Are YOU ready to Remember?

Are you even ready, to be ready, to Remember?

It is your choice, but it is like a locked door that can only open  

if you are READY to see what is inside.

   ARE YOU READY?                                                                                


                                                              Please click the below Link


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Monday, February 10, 2025

Being the Master of Your Reality--The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

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Being the Master of Your Reality--The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

Being the Master of Your Reality
By the Pleiadians through Suzanne

Dear Ones,
We are the members of your Pleiadian family. Some of you who will read this message may be wondering why you have been experiencing challenges, and/or fears. On the other hand, some of you may be have a wonderful day. 

However, if you can realize that your “state of consciousness” has a great deal to with your own inner self, you will feel more in control of the situation. Then any fears or angers can be perceived, not as a bad day, but as a personal challenge to adjust your state of consciousness into a higher sense of your own SELF.

In this manner, you will have a better chance of becoming the Master of your emotions. Being the Master of your emotions, does not mean that you do not feel difficult emotions such as fear, anger, confusion, etc. Being the Master of your Emotions usually means that you take a moment to find a way to leave that difficult situation and go inside to have a talk with your SELF.

It is this manner that YOU can become the Master of your Emotions. What we mean by being the “master of your emotions,” is that you are the Master of your emotions and your emotions are NOT the Master of you. Your emotions are messages to you brain that are telling you what your body and mind are “really” feeling, instead of what they “should be feeling.”

Emotions are not good or bad. Emotions are messages from your mind and your body. If you see that the gasoline gage is very low, you do not need to be upset. You have a choice to say, “OK getting gasoline comes first.” Or, you can become angry and upset with yourself, or even upset with the car that “NOW you have to get gasoline!”

Once you have a state of Mastery over your emotions, you will begin to realize that emotions are a non-verbal way that your body, and or your mind, can give you important information. If one has gained some mastery over their emotions, they can be perceived as bringers of important information.

Your body does not speak English, or whatever your primary language is. However, your body does speak emotions. If you allow yourself to be “non-reactive” to your emotions, and listen carefully, you will greatly expand your sense of SELF and your interactions with your daily life.

Then you will feel much stronger and more in control of your reality. It is helpful if you are able to chose to believe that YOU chose the experience your emotions because they give you important information. 

For example, the emotion of fear has a purpose of preparing you to expand your consciousness, and focus on your vision and hearing in a clearer and more directed manner. In fact, fear, will direct your attention to something that you may not have noticed before. Then, if there is danger, your vision, hearing, and body is ready to totally focus on that situation. 

We bring this topic up today because your reality is ready to expand more and more beyond the limitations of the third dimensional daily life, and into the greater focus, courage and alignment with your fourth dimensional reality. 

We, your Pleiadian Family, are telling you to perceive fear as a message instead of an enemy. Yes, if there is actually an enemy, then fear will prepare your body for battle. On the other hand, sometimes you may experience fear when you perceive, and/or come into contact with something that is very different.

If you allow yourself to react, rather than focus on the situation, you may misjudge what is occurring and create a difficult situation rather than an important situation. We, your Pleiadian Family, are giving you this information to prepare you for the increased sightings of our Starships that you may be having, or have already had. 

Some people may look directly at one of our Starships and choose NOT to perceive it, even when others may be saying, “Hey, look! There is a Starship.” We, your Pleiadian family, want you to know that we are here to assist you during the extremely challenging NOW of preparing the humans of Earth for our “First Landings.”

Of course, we Pleiadians have been landing on Earth for longer than you could remember, but we always remained cloaked. However, now we wish to tell you that if you see a cloud that looks like a Starship, it is actually a Starship that is cloaked to look like a cloud.

There have increasingly been television shows and movies about our landing that are NOT based on fear. For that we are very grateful. The fact that humanity is now able to talk about Starships and Galactic Beings with curiosity rather than fear, is also a sign the humanity is beginning to awaken to the fact that Earth is NOT the only planet that has life forms.

In fact, we can perceive by our different manners of observing Earth that more and more humans are becoming increasingly ready to accept that fact that, no only are there other planets that are inhabited, but many of beings of these planets look very humanoid, and are member of Earthlings Galactic Family. 

“Why don’t you land now?” we hear you ask. The answer is because there is not yet a higher enough percentage of humans who would be able to welcome us with love and love. In fact, instead, they would shoot up bombs, which would only fall back to Earth and destroy their own planet Earth.

As those of you who are awake know, Gaia has MANY “planetary health issues,” which are about 99% because of humanity. We, your Galactic Family, do NOT want to frighten you, but we will NOT allow Gaia to be destroyed by the very inhabitants of Her body that will be the ones to destroy Her.

If you have not noticed, Gaia has been quite upset lately, because She is have more and more difficulty recovering from the deep wounds that humanity has left on, and inside, Her Planetary Body. It is the NOW for humanity to expand their consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensions.

Once you feel that you have moved into a higher frequency of consciousness, which allows you to have a more empowered sense of your SELF worth, your sense of SELF will become increasingly fourth dimensional. With a fourth dimensional SELF esteem, you will feel more creative, confident, and able to explore the next frequency of reality.

Yes, there are different versions of the same realities that can only be perceived by humans via different frequencies of consciousness. As an example, you may go to the same work place Monday through Friday. 

However, Monday and Tuesday may be wonderful days in which you feel you have contributed to the whole in a positive way. You may feel that you have been noticed and appreciated. On these days, you consciousness can more easily perceive higher frequencies of reality. 

However, on a different day, you may experience a very different version of that same reality. You may be easily distracted, and/or have difficult confrontations with your boss or fellow workers. This would be a day in which you frequency of consciousness is much lower.

You may even allow yourself to become the “victim” to that day. “What is wrong with every one?” you may ask. Or, you could realize that this was a day in which your state of consciousness dropped and you were unable to create a peak experience for yourself. 

It is your state of consciousness that directs your perceptual field. When you are having a bad day and your state of consciousness is lower third dimensional, you will even have difficulty focusing on your drive home from work.

You will then walk in, slam the door, ignore you spouse, push away your children who want to hug you, and get a drink. On that day, in that state of consciousness, you do not even see your spouse or your children. Obviously, you would NOT see one of our Starships.

However, if you have had a great day and feel good about your self, you will drop off to pick up what you know your family needs, and walk in the door with a smile, hugs, kisses and the treat for the kids, and the launder that needed to be picked up from the cleaners.

On that day, you WILL see our Starship. In fact, you will rush home and take your family to exact place that you saw our Ship and happily share your experience.  “Take me aboard!” the children will happily cry. “Not yet,” we will answer, “but we can come into your dream world.

Of course, most humans will not hear our response, but it is the children who will likely be the first ones to see us. You are all aware of your third dimensional life, as that is the reality you have been living. However, the children will be the first ones to be able to “believe” that they are actually seeing our Ships.

Children are usually much more in-touch with their fourth dimensional perceptions. They are the most aware of the “reality of their imagination,” and they are most inclined to remember the dream they had about a very tall, very nice being in a blue suite with light skin and blond hair. 

Whereas adults may be frightened, children are more inclined to be excited. They are also the ones who will remember the “dream” they the other day about those nice people who talked to them about their Starship and life on a different planet.

They do not become afraid of our conversation. Instead, they can’t wait to draw a picture of it or play Starships with their friends.  That is they will do these things is their parents are not too frightened by another reality. “I can barely handle this reality?” they may say. “How could I ever handle another reality too?”

Little do they know that many of them are, indeed from “another reality” to which they return on a regular basis—but they FORGET! What if adults were as opened and creative as children? What if adults could remember their own childhood experiences and the great dream of Starships they had last night?

What if humanity was able to BE their true Multidimensional SELF and Gaia was dearly loved and cared for by ALL Her human residents. 

Now that is a great dream to have at night, as well as in the daytime.
What if you were the Master of your Reality? What reality would you Choose?

Blessings from your Galactic Family. Give us a call.

We ARE here NOW!
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Monday, January 13, 2025

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Why the “Big Bang” Is a Science Fiction

Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 22, 2020

“The theory of the Big Bang is just marketing”
Prof. Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Prize winner for physics in an interview 
with the leading German journal DER SPIEGEL
In the previous article I have proved in a comprehensive manner why modern cosmology is an entirely false categorical system of human scientific knowledge. It is the most recent physical discipline in the history of human science and emerged as an independent discipline less than a century ago. Since it initially evolved from physics, precisely from the general theory of relativity, while dealing with the rapidly accumulating experimental data coming from astronomy, it includes all the theoretical and epistemological blunders which these sciences had adopted in the past.
Most of the theoretical blunders that vitiate present-day cosmology stem from physics as astronomy has failed up to the present day to establish a rigid theoretical system with which to structure its most heterogeneous data and thus accepts uncritically and without any reflection the mathematical models that cosmology has  imposed on it. The reason for that is that most astronomers are poor mathematicians and do not understand the enormous complexity of the current established cosmological models, such as the inflation theory. At the same time most cosmologists are mere mathematicians and have a very poor knowledge on physics, so that they have no idea on what real physical phenomena they apply their pure mathematical models.
There is such a profound disconnect between the unyielding mathematical efforts of present-day cosmologists and what is considered acceptable in physics nowadays that it is impossible for me to understand how it was possible that such weird hypotheses as the inflation hypothesis could gain such a popularity and acceptance among scientists even when their sciences can be rightly defined as “fake science“. I have already discussed this troublesome theoretical deficiency of modern cosmology with respect to the recently published doctor thesis of David Hawking
which created an immense hype in the mass media, however, without any critical assessment of his actual scientific achievements, which are none.

It is very important to discuss this topic at the beginning of this article as most people and even scientists cannot discern between astronomy and astrophysics as explorative, applied sciences and cosmology, which is an entirely theoretical mathematical discipline and has actually little to do with these disciplines except to consider some of their findings as black holes, neutron stars, various forms of radiation, such as the cosmic background radiation, etc. That is why when I discard cosmology as science in toto in this and previous articles, I do not consider astronomy, although it also brings very little knowledge on the true reality of All-That-Is.
In fact, this entirely optical discipline significantly contributes to the profound gnostic confusion of mankind with regard to our true origin as cosmic multidimensional beings of enormous creativity. The reason for that is the basic gnostic truth that human senses are the chief source of all human illusion in this 3D holographic model and that humans are essentially “eye-animals”, as I call them: They acquire almost 90% of their external information as optical perceptions. In this sense astronomy is an “eye discipline”, even, or rather especially, when one uses most sophisticated telescopes, and contributes immensely to human illusion as a cosmological worldview.
The central piece of present-day cosmology is the “big bang” hypothesis, also known as hot expanding hypothesis as laid out in the standard model of cosmology. It assumes that the universe, as observed today, has evolved from a state of homogeneous energy with a negligible space and incredible density which exploded in a small fraction of a second. This initial state of the universe is described as the “big bang“. Since then, the visible universe – please, recall that cosmologists can only perceive the visible universe as I have proved in my previous article – is believed to have been expanding incessantly. For further information on the “big bang” hypothesis and how this bogus idea was introduced historically in science read also this article:
The “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities of the Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions
In the context of this cosmological outlook, Hubble’s law is interpreted as a “law of expansion“. As this law is an application of the universal equation, we must reject this cosmological interpretation on axiomatic grounds. I have shown that Hubble’s law assesses the constant space-time of the visible universe. The two natural constants that are derived from this law, the radius of the visible universe RU and Hubble time assessing the age of the expanding universe 1/ H= AU =  1/fvis, give the constant space and time of the visible universe and confirm this conclusion. In this way I eliminate the first basic pillar of the standard model – the interpretation of Hubble’s law as a law of universal expansion.
We shall now present additional proofs for this irrefutable conclusion. The idea of the expanding universe is a consequence of the faulty idea of homogeneous space-time in the theory of relativity. I have shown in the new physical and mathematical theory of the Universal Law (volume I and volume II) that Einstein had not completely corrected the empty Euclidean space of classical mechanics, but had only introduced the reciprocity of space and time for the systems of matter.
Einstein regarded the gravitational objects as embedded in empty and “massless” photon space-time defined as vacuum, which is an absolutely wrong idea.
Read also: The Space-Time Concept of the Special and General Theory of Relativity
The End of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity – It Is Applied Statistics For the Space-Time of the Physical World
 I have proved that photons have mass and thus eliminated another epic blunder of present-day cosmology – the existence of “dark matter“– that alone makes it to fake science.
With respect to the reciprocity of space and time, Einstein assumed in the general theory of relativity that vacuum could be curved or bent by local gravitation. The current interpretation is that the path of light is attracted by local gravitational potentials and for this reason cannot be a straight line in space.
When this space-time concept is applied to cosmology, it inevitably leads to the neglect of the finite lifetimes of stars, as they have been described by Chandrasekhar and have been only later verified in modern astrophysics. The finite lifetime of any gravitational system is a consequence of the energy exchange between matter and photon space-time (see previous article).
The new Axiomatics clearly states that all systems, being superimposed rotations, have a finite lifetime which is only determined by the conditions of constructive and destructive interference. During this vertical energy exchange, the space-time of the material levels, such as atomic level, electron level, thermodynamic level etc., is transformed into the space-time of the photon level and vice versa.
Photons have a much greater space than that of the particles of material levels, as can be demonstrated by the [1d-space]-quantities of their elementary action potentials: the Compton wavelengths of the electron, λc,e=2.4×10-12 m, the proton, λc,pr=1.32×10-15  m, and the neutron, λc,n=1.32 ×10-15 m are much smaller than the wavelength of the elementary action potential h of the photon level, λ= 3×10m, or more precisely, in the order of their intrinsic time – the specific Compton frequencies as Table 1 demonstrates:

The [1d-space]-quantity of the elementary action potential is a specific constant of the corresponding level. It assesses the specific space of the level. During vertical energy exchange between two levels, the expansion of space-time changes discretely in specific constant quantitative leaps. These leaps can be assessed by building space and time relationships between the levels (the universal equation as a rule of three). Such constants are dimensionless numbers. In the new Axiomatics, I call them “absolute constants of vertical energy exchange“ (see Volume II, chapter 9.9).
When we observe vertical energy exchange only in one direction, for instance, from matter to photon space-time, this process is perceived as an explosive expansion of space-time. This is precisely the current cosmological view.
The thermonuclear explosion is a typical, albeit more trivial, example of an energy exchange from the nuclear level towards the photon level also defined as radiation. This process is associated with an extreme space expansion described as “nuclear explosion“. The reason for this is the extremely small space of the hadrons compared to the expansion of the emitted photons during nuclear explosion, as has been demonstrated by the corresponding time magnitudes of these systems of space-time – the Compton frequencies or alternative by their intrinsic space constants – the Compton wavelengths (see Table 1 above).
When this vertical energy exchange is observed in the direction from photon space-time to matter, it manifests itself as a contraction of space. Black holes are a typical example of extreme space contraction and for that reason they are circumscribed as “space singularities“. Initially, black holes were believed to only “devour“ space and matter. However, this would be a violation of the law of energy conservation (1st law of thermodynamics).
Later on, it has been proven (only within mathematics because black holes cannot be directly observed) that black holes emit gamma radiation at their event horizon and thus obey the axiom of conservation of action potentials (see Axiomatics), just like all other systems of space-time. This has eliminated the spectacular character of these celestial bodies. For this reason the Russian term for black holes “frozen stars” is more appropriate.
The mean frequency of gamma radiation of black holes fH can be presented as a function of the intrinsic time f of the elementary particles of matter:
mp  fH = m( fc,e + fpr,e + fn,e ) /3
The high temperature of black holes is another quantity of material time – the time of the thermodynamic level of matter. In Volume II, chapter 5.5, I have derived the new fundamental CBR-constant  KCBR  and have shown that the frequency of the maximal emitted radiation depends only on the temperature of the material body:
 fmax = KCBR × T ( see Vol II, equation (82)).
In the previous publication I have used this constant to reject the second pillar of the standard model – the traditional interpretation of the 3K-cosmic background radiation (CBR).
The 3K-CBR is believed to be a remnant of the hot radiation of the big bang, which has resulted from the subsequent adiabatic expansion of the universe. This view is presented in the standard model of cosmology and is closely associated with the erroneous interpretation of redshifts by Hubble’s law as discussed in the previous publication.
From this elaboration, we conclude:
When the vertical energy exchange is observed only one way, that is, from matter to photon space-time, it gives the impression of space expansion. When the energy exchange is considered unilaterally from photon space-time to matter, it gives the impression of space contraction. When both directions are taken into consideration, the total change of space-time measured as ΔV (Vstands for the volume of the universe) is zero:
ΔVU  = 0, or VU = constant.
Space-time remains constant.
This is an axiomatic statement of the new theory. It could have been easily deduced from the conventional law of conservation of energy because energy can only be perceived as space-time by humans and scientists alike (see the principle of equivalence of the Primary Term in the new Axiomatics), as this illusory perception of human senses is independent of the sophistication of the applied instruments. Indeed, humanity should have been spared this intellectual insanity that fraudulent, stupid or unethical scientists have offered us as fake cosmology.
In present-day cosmology, photon space-time is regarded as a homogeneous empty void. For that reason this discipline considers the vertical energy exchange between matter and photon space-time only one way: from matter, which can be observed, to empty space, which allegedly has no structure because it cannot be directly perceived by human senses, although it is obvious in physics today that all elementary particles are spontaneously created from the “energy-rich” vacuum (void), which is a classical oxymoron and the greatest idio(cy) of all. This one-sided anthropocentric view – human beings are part of matter – which is a product of their limited senses and linearly thinking carbon-based brain, automatically evokes the misleading impression that the universe expands in the void.
As the finite lifetimes of stars are not considered in this outlook, modern cosmology has no adequate idea of the discrete, ubiquitous energy exchange between matter and photon space-time, unlike in the new Axiomatics. In Volume II, chapter 3.7, I have proved that when the axiom of reciprocal LRC is applied to the visible universe, this system of space-time can be described as a function of the LRC of the photon level and the gravitational level.
The space of the visible universe given as SU , which is the circumference [1d-space] of the event horizon KS as the spherical surface [2d-space] of the visible universe (see equation (241) in Volume II) is proportional to the LRC (universal photon gradient) of the photon level LRCp = UU = c2, which stands for space expansion, and is inversely proportional to the LRC of gravitation as expressed by the gravitational constant G (which is field or acceleration per definition) that stands for the contraction of space as gravitation is a force of attraction (see equation (37a), Volume II):
SU = c2 /G
This beautiful, simple equation is an application of the Universal Equation as a rule of three. It embodies the entire space-time behaviour of the visible universe according to the axiom of reducibility and exposes current cosmology as absolutely “fake science”. It proves that its circumference SU which describes the event horizon of the visible universe is a constant [1d-space]-quantity because it is a quotient of two natural constants, c and G, assessing the two levels of vertical energy exchange – photon space-time and gravitation for matter.
It is indeed amazing how it is possible that so much information which encompasses the entire theory of modern cosmology can be condensed into such a simple equation, which is a rule of three and thus the simplest equation in human mathematics. This is the virtue of the new theory of the Universal Law. It shows us that:
  • Simplicity is beautiful.
  • Simplicity is pure knowledge.
  • Simplicity is the utmost form of aesthetics.
  • Simplicity is freedom of Spirit from the shackles of matter.
For obvious reasons, cosmology, actually astronomy, can only assess the space-time of the visible universe and is not in a position to obtain any experimental evidence beyond its event horizon (see previous article). This is the privilege of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law – it assesses the primary term of All-That-Is epistemologically and not empirically (priority of axiomatization over empiricism).
As we see, the new Axiomatics affects an incredible simplification in our cosmological worldview and rejects the idea of an expanding universe as a false unilateral perception of the energy exchange between matter and photon space-time. This idea has given birth to many paradoxes, which are closely associated with the interpretation of the Doppler effect in the context of Hubble’s law (see previous article).
Read alsoDoppler Effect Is the Universal Proof for the Reciprocity of Space and Time
But first and foremost the rejection of photon space-time as a real level of All-That-Is and its substitution with empty space (vacuum) has prevented so far the development of new technologies based on free photon energy which will very soon bring unlimited abundance to the entire humanity. Therefore, all false (fake) scientific ideas have a huge negative impact on the evolution of humanity and cause a lot of suffering and pain to all the people. Science is not an ivory tower fully detached from human existence. It determines through its ideas human life in a profound manner. First comes the idea, then its materialisation, this is a fundamental gnostic truth that everybody should deeply internalize. For this reason, all false ideas in science should be abolished once and for all, at best in the course of this year of 2020, so that humanity can begin to enjoy freedom, abundance, creativity, and unlimited intellectual expansion. The Universal Law and its Theory of Science is the only vehicle to achieve this noble goal.
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timeless Messages'


  Arcturians in our Shoes

        A Conversation with the Arcturians
    PART I

The Arcturians/Sue:
Greetings, we are the Arcturians, and we are here within our consciousness, as well as within Suzille’s and Shawnna’s consciousness, to have a bit of a conversation.
Shawnna, would you please begin by asking your question, and we will answer it through Suzille?
Yes, well thank you for joining us, as always. We appreciate your guidance. We thought it might be interesting to ask you a question and seek guidance and inspiration in these times when we’re surrounded by distractions and chaos.
We were curious to ask you from your perspective, if you were in our shoes here as humans in this 3D reality, what would you do to insight change and to focus upon the reality you wish to bring about?
The Arcturians/Sue:
Well first off, Gaia is a free will planet. And unless the people, the majority of the people of Gaia, were to ask us,
“Dear Arcturians, Dear Pleiadians, Dear Antareans, Dear Sirians, would you please come and help us?”
We would be there.
But, it is a freewill planet, and we have not been asked in that manner. The manner in which we have been asked is that people have set up calls, usually to one of us, meaning the Arcturians or the Pleiadians. The Arcturians and the Pleiadians are the primary people that are asked because they are, we are, the primary people who have chosen to take earth vessels within this now.
So what occurs is, if we have not yet been able to remember that we are multidimensional and that we are also our Higher Dimensional Expression of our selves along with our third Dimensional Expression of selves, it can be quite lonely and quite frightening.
And that is part of the reason why there is so much conflict. It’s that people feel so alone. They feel abandoned, and they don’t really believe in their own Higher Power or in their Galactic family or even in what humanity has called God.
Because they don’t believe that there is anything bigger, stronger, wider, more evolved than them, they’re pretty much angry and sad, hurt and alone.
This is why at the very beginning, when we first started talking to Suzille, we told her that she had to put aside a certain time and a certain place for as many days of the week as was possible and make sure that she could keep that schedule. And to go to that same place at that same time and meditate to us, meaning our selves, the Arcturians, as well as our greater Galactic family, whomever each person feels most aligned with and to ask.
Now since a Fifth Dimensional conversation does not last very long in a Third Dimensional brain, you have to make sure that you document whatever information you get.
And this is something that we say through Suzille with just about every private session and in many of her events, but it can’t be said enough.
That we really do want to speak with the members of our Galactic family who have been so brave that they have gone down to Earth to take an Earth vessel. But, unfortunately, so many of them forget.
Did you have a question or comment about of what we’ve said so far?
Yes, and going back to that statement that you’ve shared about asking for that assistance and saying “Please come help us,” How do you suggest that those of us that are aware, and we’re ready to ask for that assistance directly, how do you suggest that we do that?
Do we just each just sit down in our meditations, and say “Oh, we could really use some help right now,” or is it more of a concerted effort to organize and create ….
The Arcturians/Sue:
No, all you have to do is simply ask. You can ask while you’re driving in traffic, you can ask while you’re standing in line at the grocery store, you can ask while you’re changing the baby’s diapers, you can ask while you’re walking in the woods. Any time you want to ask just ask. Just say “Hello, we are here, and we want to connect with you within this Now.”
But then you have to remember that if you cannot hear us, it is not because we are not answering you, it is because your consciousness has to be aligned to a high enough frequency that you can take in this information that is from the Fifth Dimension and beyond.
And many people might be able to hear a hum or a noise or have a feeling, but that’s all they can do. And what we say is keep up your schedule, because your body is the one who will collect the message, and your body is based on cycles. Everything in your body is based on cycles. How many times does your heart beat, how many times do you swallow, how many times do you cough, how many times do you blink your eyes?
All of these different things are happening within your physical body. And so if you can take the time to align yourself first with the planet, and then with the desire to communicate with a Higher Being, then you have said to your body, “I am ready to bring all of you together to do one thing right now, so you can stop digesting, you can stop blinking, you can stop all those other things, and just be still.”
Now, it sounds easy. But hard to do.
How do you do it?
You do it with your breath!
What will assist you most of all is if you start off with a short breath on the inhale and make your exhale twice as long. And then you take a longer and longer inhale which makes for a longer and longer exhale.
And what happens is that you become focused on your own life force. Because breath is your life force, and the chatter in your mind goes away, the emotions in your body go away, and you are just focusing on what you bring in, and release, and bring in and release.
In fact, you bring in and share. For every time you exhale, you’re not just releasing the breath, you are sharing your breath. And people may or may not realize that their breath is also filled with their emotions, their thoughts, their feelings, their desires.
Would you like to comment on that Shawnna, or perhaps ask another question?
Well, I think that’s definitely a helpful reminder because that allows us to reset and expand our consciousness if we ever feel distracted or ungrounded. It’s definitely a good practice.
So we have this advice now to focus on asking for the assistance and information, and then we place that request in our consciousness and amplify that connection by our slow breathing.
These are things that we can share with others. So that way, it grows organically, and more and more people become aware, and fewer people are lonely and feeling despondent or abandoned. They start to feel that connection, so it has an exponential effect.
The Arcturians/Sue:
Yes, absolutely.
And the other effect is that it puts you into alignment with your body, and so those who are listening, we ask that you put one hand on your stomach and the other hand on your intestinal area below your belly button.
And so as you breathe in, feel what happens to your body, and as you breathe out, feel what happens to your body. And then you can even get to the place where as you breathe in, you pull in your intestinal track, and as you breathe out, you release it, and you release your stomach area.
So you feel how that energy comes in, and then you share it with your exhale. So you bring in this energy field with your inhale, and you hold it for as long as you can and as long as it is comfortable, and then you share that gift that you’ve received, because you remembered to ask for it, you share that with others.
Because Gaia is a free will planet, you have to ask. People have to ask, and when people know that they have to ask, then they gather the courage to actually ask.
Do you understand what we mean by that, how difficult it is for so many humans to ask, especially an unseen being or a Higher Self?
Because one of the things that flashes through them is all the times they asked in school and got ridiculed or asked a friend, and someone laughed or asked a parent, and they weren’t there for them.
And so two things happen. When you go through this history of asking and not having an answer that you needed, you are aware how strong you are. Because you did not get those questions answered then, but what you did do is that you remembered that you are not just a human.
That’s just the body that you are wearing so that you can assist Gaia. And so what you remember is that you are your breath, and without the breath going into and out of your body, you are not in that body. You can lose arms, legs, all kinds of things, but if you lose your breath, you are not in your body.
And so whenever you have breath exercises, you pull your Higher Dimensional Self into your physical body, and when that Higher Dimensional Self comes into your physical body, it begins to activate the Kundalini Force.
Would you like to talk a bit before we explain more about the Kundalini?
No, please continue. I think this is very helpful.
The Arcturians/Sue:
The Kundalini is located at the base of everyone’s spine, and it is an energy field. It’s humanity’s ascension energy field, and basically it is a force of Transmutation, such as the Violet Fire, and it is also a force of Unconditional Love, such as the Blue Fire.
So if all of you take a moment and go all the way down to the base of your spine, and feel how it connects to your legs and how your legs connect to the planet and/or you can sit on the planet, sit on the ground and put your buttocks right flat on the dirt, on a rock, in the tub, on the sand in the beach, wherever you are and move into it, and blend with Gaia.
My body into yours, Gaia. Your body into mine, Gaia. My body into yours, Gaia. Your body into mine, Gaia.
And then if you find yourself deeply grounded in this manner, you bring in this Higher Means of breathing, because breathing is life. And so when you breathe in these Higher Frequencies of breath, and as you use higher and higher chakras to accept the breath and use the breath, then you are preparing your body to resonate to Higher and Higher frequencies.
Now that resonance may not be recognized. But if you are still and, especially if you go into nature, maybe if you put your back up against a tree or sit on a rock or sit before a flower garden, but be with Gaia.
If you do that, then you will go into your primitive self, the self that IS part of the planet, and it’s actually the most evolved part of yourself.
We said this is primitive because that’s how most modern people will look at those that live off of and with and through the land and share their reality with the living Being of the planet.
Shawnna, did you wish to say something?
Yes, I was going to say how valuable it is, and this is also a helpful tool for us to maintain that groundedness when we go into nature, and we set our consciousness to the natural flow and rhythm of the planet and heartbeat.
That’s also very helpful whenever we have all these intense energies, even from the Sun, coming in, and we can sense that within our bodies in different ways. And I’ve found it to be very therapeutic to go outside and sit under the trees in the sunshine.
And I think the more we share those habits with other people, as well, I think that uplifts many people and they remember that, “Oh, goodness, I can simply go outside, get some fresh air, step away from my social media, step away from the computer, and realign to that natural state.”
The Arcturians/Sue:
Yes. It is that realignment, and Gaia very much needs that realignment. Because anyone who is aware of any of the news that is going on, Gaia has been suffering a lot. There have been a lot of disasters that have come onto her body, and a lot of pollution that’s gone into her body, and lots of bombs and wars.
Gaia needs help, because humanity is frightened, and when humans get frightened, they very often get angry. When they get angry, they want to go out and fight with something or someone.
And that makes for a very low energy field of fear and anger. And that energy field, all of the Elohim feel that energy field, the earth, the air, the fire, the water. They all feel that fear, and they think, “Oh heavens, Gaia has fear. I guess we need to have fear, too. We need to help. How do we get rid of this fear?”
But they didn’t create the fear, so it’s pretty difficult for them to change the fear. The ones that created the fear are the ones that need to be responsible for transmuting that fear into Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Light. 
Hmm. Just a simple question, is it helpful if we even state that intention and ask Gaia how we can help her?
The Arcturians/Sue:
Anytime that anyone honors the planet enough to think that she can hear you and will converse with you. First off, that you honor yourself enough, that you believe that you have that innate power to communicate with the entire planet.
Even if there isn’t a communication, the mere fact that a human can acknowledge that they have that ability, and the mere fact that Gaia realizes that there are humans that are on her side.
Because if you were to put yourself into the role of planet Earth, and you look around at the things humans are doing, would you feel like humans were on your side? Would you feel like that, Shawnna?
No, it’s actually the opposite.
The Arcturians/Sue:
That’s right, Suzille doesn’t feel like that.
Just imagine, if everybody could feel like, “This is my planet that I love, and this is my family.” In the same manner that you would love and care for a beloved family member, you would love and care for your beloved planet. It’s just a natural thing. If someone that you love calls you and says, “Oh, this horrible thing happened. I really need your help.” You’re going to help them.
But do you know how many people hear Gaia say, “Oh, this horrible thing happened, and I really need your help,” and then how many people being amongst the ones who heard it will actually find a way to help?
Now there are absolutely some wonderful humans that have dedicated themselves, and they have been doing amazing work. And in the scheme of the billions of people that live on the planet, they are a very small percentage. But even that small percentage is very important. And the reason why you haven’t gone into World War III is because the people are saying, “No, no we don’t want that. We do not want that massive destruction.”
And then, of course, there are some that do want that massive destruction, but they are a minority, and they come from selfishness and greed.
Now when someone comes from selfishness and greed, they have a very low frequency. Their consciousness is very low and not very powerful. And that’s why they have to be outwardly violent, and they have to use guns or tools or lies.
Because they don’t have their own power because they have separated themselves from the planet. So they have the power of one small human and, unfortunately, one small human can do a lot of damage. There have been enough dictators on planet Earth that everyone knows that one small person can create a lot of damage.
However, it is only because the masses of people have not yet really found their own power. And they don’t have to get out a gun or have a fight or even necessarily do something particularly physical.
What they have to do is to raise the frequency of the energy field. Because what will happen is, Gaia goes through her ascension process.
There will be components of her self who, with the help of earth, air, water, fire, and all the kingdoms, including humanity, that component of Gaia will ascend.
Listen to the Full Message:

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